Remodeling of Bone Length in Old Age

boneCan a bone increase in length after you have reached sixty years old? This happened to me. I was evaluated by x-ray with a shortened right leg of 3/4 inch in 2003 by an orthopedic surgeon and was verified in 2004 by another orthopedic surgeon. The second surgeon had operated on my low back for a ruptured disc in 1998 and 2003. I was prescribed an adjustment of my right shoe. A visit last week to the surgeon that performed my back surgery confirmed with x-ray that my legs are now normal equal length.

I had noticed over the last two years that there was minor pain in my left hip that became a noticeable limp. Just three weeks ago, I went to pick up the morning paper (I rushed out barefoot) and noticed that my gait was normal. I was confused. Had my right leg increased in length? The next morning on the way to the gym, I stopped at a Walmart and purchased a normal pair of gym shoes. My limp disappeared as I worked out. I made the appointment with the surgeon and found my legs are equal length.

If you are a reader of this blog, you know that I have successfully repaired my cartilage and required no more back surgery. This included a repair of stenosis through nutrition at C3-C4. The stenosis was causing severe sleep apnea as this is the location for the nerve to the lungs. This was accomplished with an increase of all vitamins and minerals. I had no idea that it could affect the bone growth plates to allow my bone length to remodel to my genetic map. It is interesting to note that over a ten month period in 2005 my height increased by approximately three inches. Imagine 23 vertebral discs and each increasing in thickness by about one tenth inch. The cartilage had repaired and freed me of disease.

I believe the remodeling of my right femur was from the increase of several significant factors for bone and cartilage health. This includes vitamin D3, vitamin A (from cod liver oil), methyl folate (not folic acid), gelatin for bone and cartilage protein, iodine, selenium (from Brazil nuts), manganese, sulfate, and magnesium as the key factors. The shoe lift worked just fine until 2014 or eleven years. The change started when I added iodine, selenium, gelatin, and sulfate. I added increased amounts of these in 2013 as I researched the need for cartilage repair. There may have been the factor of Metadichol as well. I started to supplement infrequently with nanoemulsion of policosanol in 2015. Based on the gene studies and intracellular receptor studies of nano-policosanol by Dr. Raghavan, this may have also had an effect.

What are the mechanisms of this action? I don’t have a clue. However, my thoughts from at least ten thousand hours of reading on nutrients has lead me to this belief, without describing actual mechanisms. The methyl folate along with B vitamins as cofactors (methylation cycle) leads to the increase of chondrocytes through stimulation of mesenchymal stem cells. I believe the methylation cycle is one of the most significant repair mechanisms of human physiology, but nothing works in isolation. Vitamin D3, vitamin A, iodine, and selenium act for differentiation of the chondrocytes in cartilage as well as the bone growth plate and the bone remodeling pathways. These same vitamins and minerals act in many mechanisms of repair for our organs. The addition of sulfate acts in many ways with the most important being detoxification, gut lining repair, neuron development, bone mineralization, and cartilage stability. The addition of gelatin assures that the necessary proteins are available. The result, bone and cartilage repair. Iodine and selenium are very significant for hormonal control through the thyroid and associated endocrine actions. With iodine deficiency during pregnancy, the worst case is cretinism and associated bone deformity and mental capacity loss. WHO says that iodine deficiency is the leading cause of mental disorders.

I tried to keep the intake of vitamins and minerals at levels that have been described for health as stated by many research papers. I tried not to exceed levels that are known to cause damage. An example is vitamin D3. I consume 10,000IU/d whether I spend time in the sun or not.  This tends to keep my serum vitamin D level at high normal of 60 to 90 ng/ml of 25(OH)D.  This is much higher than the current government suggestion of 600 IU per day of vitamin D3.  My intake of iodine is much higher than the suggested 150 mcg/d. I take either Iodoral or Lugolâ’s solution for an intake of 12.5 mg/d of iodine/iodide combination. This is one hundred times higher than the recommendation but is consistent with the intake of the Japanese population. There is no suggested intake for sulfate and this is a huge error in medical science. I consume 3 to 4 grams of MSM per day.

I am not suggesting that you try any of this. Research in multivariate vitamins and minerals is very limited as modern science continues in its fallacy of one cure for one disease. Vitamin D3 for only bone health is an example of one that has gotten us into extremely poor health outcomes. Who knows, maybe God has stepped in to help only me recover after three decades of chronic pain and illness. Now at 66 YO, I am grateful every day for this blessing and will continue to communicate with you how to live without drugs for chronic illness and pain. Was my bone-length increasing a miracle?  It certainly is an answer to prayer.  On this Pentecost Sunday when the Holy Spirit first came to Christians two thousand years ago, I am praying for your health, both spiritual and physical. –Pandemic Survivor

My eBook about recovery: Healed from Chronic Pain

Resources for more reading:  Bone Growth in Length and Width, the Yin and Yang of Bone Stability, F. Rauch

Aging and Bone, A. L. Boskey Â

How Mom and Dad Dealt with Flu and Colds

Writing the last post about building the immune system to protect against viruses, made me think about how my parents used to protect our health with nutrition. Some would consider it a very drastic environment for a child growing up with hard work on the farm. It was a way of life that I hope we do not disrupt with new rules about farm labor. We toiled together every day and we got diseases together because close contact. We also had a wonderful life being in the great outdoors every day. Close contact with the earth, plants, and animals helped me to establish the value of life. To love and value life and not treat life as the last of priorities.

There were many forms of illness that were experienced during my childhood. We hardly ever went to a doctor. We only sought the aid of a doctor in case of a serious illness that could result in disability or death. Of course this was the way of life during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Yes, we got all the necessary vaccine requirements of the time. Small pox, polio, and tetanus were of main concern. There were always the diseases that we considered minor because the symptoms would disappear quickly from great nutrition provided by growing our own vegetables, fruit, meat, and grain. Let’s not forget the large amounts of fat from grass fed cow’s milk and meats and the unadulterated enzymes in skimmed milk that was not processed.

In the last post, I suggested that vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, other minerals, and folate are necessary for a strong immune system. So how did we get these important nutrients without science to guide us? It was through the understanding of long used remedies that had been passed along through centuries of farm life and trial and error.

It was the winter of 1959 that can best explain how this was accomplished. After Thanksgiving, the whole family had various forms of lung congestion and sinus issues that were brought on by unknown causes. Dad could not stand to see the ailments continue. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, he took off to find the remedies necessary to relieve us. When he returned he had only three things. A gallon of cod liver oil, a box of oranges, and three gallons of black strap molasses, sulfured, that was used to fortify cattle feed. We lined up every day to take our dose of cod liver oil, followed by a helping of the sulfured black strap molasses. We were encouraged to eat the sweet oranges. In less than a week, everyone was well.

The cod liver oil provided us with the needed vitamin D and vitamin A. I am sure that there were other unidentified nutrients to be found in this concentrate of fish liver oil. The oranges were a source of vitamin C as well as other helpful nutrients. In the concentrated remnants of the cooked-down molasses cane were the many minerals that were stored in the grass. The fortification of sulfur in the molasses was there to drive the many sulfate requirements for health. We also had huge amounts of turnip and collard greens. There it is, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, and folate. I am also sure that our normal diet with the many forms of fruit, vegetables, grains, and meats also contained all of the vitamin B and vitamin E that were required for health. This is truly the way of sustaining natural health during farm life.

Now, we are struggling to define what constitutes healthy forms of nutrients. With all of the processed food and the many enzymes and nutrients that have been removed, our only action to achieve health is to use drugs as dictated by societal norms. Get the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals every season to boost your immune system and to protect your health. – Pandemic Survivor.


Healed from Chronic Pain

Okay, so I have finally done it. My book, Healed from Chronic Pain, is now available on Amazon as an e-book. I first wrote this book five years ago, but have delayed in publishing for multiple reasons. The main reason; I thought that using nutrients to heal cartilage would have been figured out by a medical professional and published.  It has not happened.

I would like to thank you for continuing to read my blog and my many ramblings about the health system. My story is an amazing story and appears to be like none other. To think that I have healed form degenerative disc disease, severe sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and have improved cardio vascular health is hard for me to believe. It feels like a resurrection from death. The emotions that I have suffered since healing is like a combination of post traumatic stress and survivor guilt.

Here is the description: An engaging story of a non-medical person, who through faith and an unbelievable amount of research, found healing through nutrition. After decades of crippling back pain, countless medical procedures, and thousands of pain meds, a man on the brink of paralysis from failed surgery and possible death from severe sleep apnea, discovered he could change the course of his outcome by supplementation. This true story of a struggling individual restored to a fulfilling life through nutrition, will captivate readers as they plunge into the mind of Mark Pegram. One might discover the key that unlocks the door to self-healing in this compelling work.

Available at your favorite retailer!


If you do decide to read, thank you and I would greatly appreciate it if you would write a review. I know many of you have had the same experience of healing after years of pain from disease. It is important that we continue to spread the word about our deplete diets and sun phobia. It is also important to understand how we arrived at this process in our health system to expatiate change.

This first book is my story of discovery primarily about vitamin D3. However, vitamin D3 alone will only get you part way to musculoskeletal health. It is a combination of at least six nutrients or more to achieve the best results. This will be the topic of my second book to be released in six months or so. It will enlist the aid of two medical professionals. This book will be pointed toward healing back pain and cartilage repair. It will have a chapter for doctors and a chapter on how to enlist your doctor’s help in pursuing a nutritional solution.

Thank You! – Pandemic Survivor

Breast Cancer Survivor Takes on the Issues

Carole Baggerly had her own experience with breast cancer. She then started to research the reason why. Her discovery; scientists have expressed the understanding that breast cancer is a deficiency disease. That is over her life time, her intake of vitamin D was not adequate. She was so upset and concerned about the issues that she started GrassrootsHealth. This is a consortium of more than forty scientists and doctors that are experts in vitamin D and nutrition. She discovered that it was not only breast cancer, but a host of chronic illness related to deficiencies. Take the time and watch her explain the issues in the first thirty minutes of this video presentation.  Carole Baggerly and Dr. Heaney, September, 2012  Presentation to Direct-MS Canada.

If you are concerned about the health of your children, yourself, your parents, the next hour is Dr. Heaney who has contributed significantly to the understanding of vitamin D. He talks about the longevity issues and decline with chronic disease because of nutritional deficiencies. There are many diseases that have now been linked to deficiencies that number into the hundreds. This is particularly pointed to vitamin D deficiency.

This discussion is fairly non-technical and is understandable by the average person. Dr. Heaney expresses the understanding that “things go better with vitamin D”. That is that vitamin D deficiency may not be the cause of a disease like TB, but not having enough vitamin D will prevent your body from properly healing. However, this understanding falls into the logic of the chicken versus the egg. In other words, if you had enough vitamin D would you have gotten TB in the first place? Dr. Heaney discusses everything from diabetes, heart disease, MS, pregnancy, and cancer to infectious diseases like TB. I give the video presentation six stars out of a five star rating system for understanding of chronic disease and the effect of vitamin DPresentation to Direct-MS Canada.

Your take away from this, is you, your friends, and your family should not suffer from vitamin D deficiency.   Standards within the medical industry have long been 20 ng/ml to 100 ng/ml.   There have not been any cases of toxicity below 200 ng/ml or 500 nmol/l.  There does not appear to be any downside at this level of vitamin D.  Some laboratories have decreased the upper number, 100 ng/ml, to whatever they are measuring the population. Best health for you can be reached with a vitamin D serum level, 25(OH)D between 40 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml; note this is still within the normal range as defined by medicine. It is not how much you take; it is where you maintain your serum level. Everyone responds differently to their intake from all sources of vitamin D. The only way to know is to test.  Dr. Heaney says to maintain a level above 40ng/ml will require an intake from all sources of 5000 IU or more of vitamin D3 per day.

Please note this presentation is in Canada. The measurements used are in nanamoles per liter or nmol/l. To convert ng/ml to nmol/l multiply ng/ml by 2.5. So the normal range of 20 to 100 ng/ml is 50 to 250 nmol/l. Get your serum level tested to give your body a chance to thrive. If you choose to do it through GrassrootsHealth, you become part of the study that will help to advance health in the population. – Pandemic Survivor

Test by GrassrootsHealth: banner_ad_long5company postingVideo of how to do the test:  bscvideothumbnailv3web

Grassroots Health Webinars on Vitamin D

The scientist, researchers, and doctors at Grassroots Health have been presenting webinars on vitamin D and various topics.  This is a wealth of information about how a given disease works with vitamin D as well as the interaction of calcium.

I highly encourage you to go to the website and watch and listen to the webinars.  There is a new one every Tuesday at 1PM eastern time.  Also after becoming familiar with the information, I encourage you to ask your doctor to watch, if he is giving you a hard time about supplementing with vitamin D.  It is important that you maintain your 25(OH)D level above 40 ng/ml.

If you don’t watch and listen to any of the others, I highly suggest that you watch – Why Test Vitamin D!?  The question is always – How much should I take?  This gives you and understanding that everyone responds differently to amounts.  At the Grassroots Health home page you can find a table of how to start supplementing before testing.     There is also a downloadable chart as a PDF.

Here is the link to the Video Page

  • Diabetes & Vitamin D
  • The Sun & Vitamin D I and II
  • Pregnancy & Vitamin D  I and II
  • Upper Respiratory Infections & Vitamin DI and II
  • Ethic Disparities & Vitamin D
  • Premenopausal Breast Cancer & Vitamin D
  • The Cost of Vitamin D Deficiency: In Dollars & Disease
  • Vitamin D & Calcium, Fractures, & Kidney Stones  What do we know?
  • Why Test Vitamin D!?
  • Prostate Cancer Positive Core Biopsies Reduced with Vitamin D
  • Prostate Cancer Lesions Reduced with Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D Stops Breast Cancer
  • Vitamin D & Gene Expression
  • Vitamin D & Treatment of Autism
  • Pregnancy & Vitamin D Interview
  • Alzheimer’s Prevention & Vitamin
  • Interaction of Vitamin D and Calcium
  • Vitamin D Requirements for Breast Feeding Mothers
  • Vitamin D & Breast Cancer
  • Vitamin D & Cardiovascular Disease
  • Vitamin D & The Immune System
  • Vitamin D & Cystic Fibrosis

Be well and stay healthy – Pandemic Survivor

Surviving Cancer with Vitamin D

My brother ran into his friend ‘Ann’ a couple of weeks ago.   If you recall, she was the focus of a post that I did in June 2009 – “A Tale of Two Women.”   Ann had ovarian cancer that was discovered in 2006.  She had been given two years to live because the cancer had been so aggressive.  Ann’s medical insurance had run out.  Ann had gone to bed to die with severe symptoms when my brother contacted me.  She started taking large amounts of vitamin D and other nutrients in which she was deficient.

She has now completely recovered and has got control of her children back from her former husband.  She has also found full time employment and seems to be doing well – symptom free.  Can we say definitively that she survive totally because of the nutrients that she took? – No.  However, why would you want to die nutrient deficient?  I do believe the main cause of her recovery was because of the prayer that was started by her mother for her recovery.  Whether it is dipping seven times into the water to heal leprosy or taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for ninety days, God has a plan for all of us.

If you think about the recent announcement by Stanford University – an antibody that counters the antibody cancer cells put off to stop our immune systems from destroying cancer- why you not consider large amounts of vitamin D and large amounts of all the other nutrients to give our biology a chance?  The reason this has never been researched is there is no opportunity to patent a drug.  Why you would spend a bunch of money on research that was not going to result in a large profit.  Of course, that is what government funded research is supposed to do.  However, what institution would allow a project to go through research where the person was getting a combination of nutrients that was 5 to 10 times more that what was required per day?  “This is not medicine,” the institution would claim.

DO NOT DIE FROM ANY DISEASE WHILE BEING NUTRIENT DEFICIENT!  Food is medicine and so is modern science without the manipulation.  – Pandemic Survivor

”The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood.”  – John 1:5 NIV

Pain in Shades of Ultra Violet – Appendicitis

Up in the March chilled morning and something is just not right.  There is this gnawing feeling that seems to float from one part of the body to the next.  It is difficult to realize the origin and yet it seems to be overtaking my senses in a ubiquitous fervor.  A hot coffee and a handful of aspirin and you are off to start the day.  As the morning goes on the coffee and the analgesics start to fade and the gnaw returns.  By eleven AM the ‘gnaw’ has turned into a full blown ache in the gut.  Gaseous rumbles dance around your insides like a hot summer afternoon rolling of thunder that comes in increasing alarm as you know the storm is on its way.  By two in the afternoon you are waiting patiently in the infirmary for someone, anyone to come and tell you what is going on.   Then the news you did not want to hear; we are sending you to the hospital as your white cell count is really high and we think you have appendicitis.

At the fortress of greater understanding where those who have spent their life trying to heal and allow wellness await in anticipation of what their next case is going to like.  A really cool patient who tries their best effort at diagnosis or just a whiner that would be better if they were sent somewhere else in the ‘whinbulance’ awaits their years of training.  “What was the ride over here like?  Were there any bumps in the road,” the surgeon, with years of experience, asks. The gnaw chews at your insides as you wonder what kind of question is that for a medical professional to ask. There was too much pain to consider whether there were any bumps or not.  This guy must be an idiot, but he has a beautiful assistant with dark lovely hair and you know there has to be something going on.  The assistant returns after a few minutes and says we think you just have the flu and we are going to send you home.  If the pain gets worse then you should come back to see us.  There were no bumps in the road so you must not have appendicitis.  Of course not having medical insurance even in 1971 and the need to keep dark lovely hair in beautiful fashion may have had something to do with not wanting to keep me around.

Racked with the constant numb of gnaw slows the entire world down to where everything is happening as if the movie speed has been turned down to extreme slow motion.  Even the sound of a fly is amplified to a fleet of B-52 bombers going overhead.  Was this what the surgeon was talking about?  What bumps in the road?  But that damn fly needs a good dose of antiaircraft fire.  The experience of pain is different for everyone and ranges through the full spectrum of bright red to the invisible ultra violet.

Decision was made that I was not going back to see the man with the lovely-dark-haired assistant.  A phone call to my parents at four in the morning less than eighteen hours from the start of anxiety was made hastily before I begin the long drive home of about an hour and half.  Dad said he would meet me at the emergency room of the hospital closest to my entrance into the city and find a surgeon.  About two thirds of the way to comfort, a stop was necessary to throw up an ugly yellow substance that was later described as bile.  The appendix had ruptured and waves of pain followed and preceded tsunamis’ of anxiety.   The new surgeon, Dr. Marks, said he thought I had appendicitis but did not think it had ruptured.  Besides, he had a busy schedule already planned for the day and he could not have a nineteen year old college student interrupt.  A shot of Demerol and two o’clock in the afternoon and the surgery finally began – ten hours after the rupture.  Two days later the scrub nurse comes into the room to inquire if I was still alive.  She was amazed as she said she had spent more than an hour mopping up the toxins in my chest cavity with Betadine.  I most likely would have died from the infection if not for her efforts.

A shot of antibiotic every hour for three days and the infection was prevented.  Nine days later I was to be discharged and a new surgeon shows up.  He is amazed that my cavity drain tubes have not been removed.  He said that the tubes were to be removed a few inches at a time over several days.  But if I didn’t mind he would like to just pull them out now and release me.  I was amazed as he removed the three tubes with the longest at eighteen inches.  No offer of pain meds until he saw me go whiter than the freshly starched sheet on the bed.  Five days later I was back at college playing tennis.  Ah, the resilience of youth.

Could this episode of “pain on steroids” have been averted with an adequate level of vitamin D?  I suspect so.  This is just one of many illnesses that have occurred in the spring when my level was the lowest.  It gives me shivers even now as I think this was just a four on my pain scale of zero to ten.  If I can overcome the fear, I may someday describe the pain episode that is a ten.  – Pandemic Survivor

Reversing Alzheimer’s Follow-Up

My wife’s sister took her mother to lunch today.  Mother-in-law remembered she was going to lunch and was dressed and waiting.  My nephew went with them and his remark was how wonderful her face was starting to fill out.  That is an amazing recovery for someone with a prognosis of needing to be placed in a memory care unit.  The question has occurred to me; is my mother-in-law an anomaly?  Maybe she was not getting Alzheimer’s but had some other form of dementia.  We certainly pray a lot and I am sure that God is involved, but maybe this is more for you and the person you know with has Alzheimer’s.

Consider what Ronald Roth said in his article, Alzheirmer’s: Nutritional Causes, Treatments and Prevention;  “The positive response to sulfur-raising therapy I have observed in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease has been inversely proportional to the progression of the disease, with sulfur levels of every patient tested having been from significantly below-normal in early stages, to totally deficient – or no longer being measurable – at late stages of the disease.”  He also says that in other types of dementia, the sulfur level is not low.  The question for Ronald Roth is, how much more positive would the results have been if the patients had a vitamin D3 raising therapy as well.  In another post, I will discuss how vitamin D aids in control of the sodium sulfur co-transporters.  In other words does vitamin D3 regulate the body’s sulfur level.

So why are you waiting?  Sulfur as MSM, Vitamin D3 in enough quantity to get the serum level of 25(OH)D above 50 ng/ml, and phospholipids ( I suspect that phosphadityl choline is the best, but fish oil, krill oil, or other omega-3’s may be as effective.  However, a diet of several egg yolks per day would work too as egg yolks are rich in suffer and phospholipids).  These nutritional substances are very safe and should not have a negative effect so there is really no excuse but to try it.  Discuss it with the doctor and go for it.

Memory improved while living well in the sun, eating egg yolks, and drinking hard water where the sulfate has not been removed – Pandemic Survivor

Surviving Alzheimer’s by Vitamin D, Phospholipids, and Sulfur Supplementation

My mother in law is one of the sweetest women that you can imagine.  At four feet eleven she is a powerhouse of joy.  About seven years ago, she had a minor stroke, that caused her a day or so of being ‘lost’.  She took off in her car up the interstate looking for a place to turn around until she ran out of gas.  A good-samaritan found her and put her in a motel room.  We got her situated in an elderly care facility some weeks later.  She was doing well enough that she did not need to be in assisted living.  The docs wanted to put her on an Alzheimer’s med, but my wife and her sister decided against it.

She did well until a year ago when she had a urinary tract infection and a bad reaction to the antibiotics used to treat it.  It is my belief that she was not getting good nutrition and this was part of her problem.  After this episode she was moved into assisted living.  Late last summer we were advised that she needed to be moved to the Alzheimer’s unit because her memory was failing.  That decision was delayed and we decided to start giving her sulfur supplements as MSM and a supplement that supports the phospholipids in the brain – phosphatidyl choline.  And of course we were giving her vitamin D3 and multiple vitamins.

At ninety-three years old, she seems to be stabilizing very well.  In any case, we have been able to keep her out of the Alzheimer’s unit. In fact she was doing so well this past fall, she borrowed her great-granddaughter’s Halloween costume, dressed as the Queen of England, and won best dressed at the party they had.  And of course her great-granddaughter won the next day in the same costume at her Halloween party.

We arrived at using the sulfur through Stephnie Seneff’s paper, Could Sulfur Deficiency be a Contributing Factor in Obesity, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, and Chronic Fatigue.

In her paper she refered to a work by Ronald Roth, Alzheirmer’s: Nutritional Causes, Treatments and Prevention.  It is amazing to look at the chart and see how far below normal that sulfur is.  Sulfur is also a natural antagonist (removes if from the body) of copper and alumminum, two culprits identified as being elevated in Alzheimer’s.

I have since found a paper that says that vitamin D regulates one of the biological pathways or the sodium-sulfur cotransporter.  More on that later.

Allow God to smile on you through good nutrition.  – Pandemic Survivor


Mineral Healing for the Eyes and Heart

I had a friend recently that was having issues with his heart.  It seems that he has had a life-long problem with heart arrhythmias.  He recently had an episode with his heart and had a device implanted (pace maker).  I had heard that he was about to have a cardioversion, where the heart is electrically ‘shocked’ back into rhythm. He is in his late seventies or about eighty years old.

I asked him about the minerals from his diet and of course he had not given it any consideration.

“It is just one of those things with getting older,” he said.  This is of course is the attitude of people about any disease when it comes to nutrition because of the structure of our government and the medical profession.  If it treats a disease, by definition as declared by Congress, it is then a drug and can only be dispensed by a medical professional.

I suggested to him that perhaps he was magnesium and potassium deficient and suggested that he may take some supplements.  He decided to take a magnesium glycinate supplement and drink low sodium V-8 juice to improve his available potassium.  He started the Sunday before his cardioversion that was on Wednesday.

I happened to be at the hospital when he checked in and met him at the check-in desk.  He pulled me aside and described the most amazing thing that had happened to him.  It seems that about four months back he had developed a blind spot in his vision.  He assumed that it was just from old age and perhaps the meds he was taking for his heart.  He got up to read the paper on Monday morning and to his surprise there was no blind spot.  We can speculate as to why, but the mineral pathways are both electrical and biological enzymatic.

There was just one bump during the cardioversion necessary to get his heart back into rhythm.  I can just imagine that during the thirty years that he has suffered if all that time it was a mineral deficiency issue.  Our medical profession needs to ‘wake up’ to the requirements of nutrition and stop acting just in the cause of profit.  My friend, well, he is one happy guy – Pandemic Survivor