Thinking the Genetic Possibility of Health

I was very intrigued when listening this week to a recorded presentation by Dr. Joe Dispenza  and Bruce Lipton Ph. D.  If you don’t recognize these guys, they are specialist in conveying the understanding that you are what you think.  Another way to say this is they are specialist in epigenetics.  The name of the recording is “Get Your Shift Together”.

I have many times discussed epigenetic action on the genes.  This recording is an ‘eye opener’ in how our biology is transformed by our thinking.  I have said that it is essential to get correct vitamins and minerals in the correct amounts.  However, this is only part of the necessity of our biology for healing.  As we all know, the placebo effect is very real.  Our thinking and interaction with our environment is responsible for this effect.

As I now understand epigenetic action, it may be that the thinking is the largest part of creating who we are and our health from our gene maps.  That’s right; genes don’t cause action, but are only directions for our biological processes.  As discussed in the presentation, another way to describe genes is to think about them as blueprints.  You cannot simply throw a set of blueprints on the ground and have a building spring forth.  It is the interpretation and action of craftsmen that the building takes shape.  There will be as many different types of buildings as there are interpretations and actions.

A gene can have as many as 30,000 expressions depending on the inputs of our environment.  Now consider that there are 23,000 genes, then, we can expect at least 690,000,000 outcomes.  But it does not stop there.  It is the combination of those 690 million outcomes that makes you – you.  This gives us a number of unique individuals so large that you cannot even imagine.  That is 690 million expressions taken 23 thousand at a time.  I tried 690 million factorial to find the odds of being one type and stopped my Windows calculator after five minutes.  Fifty two playing cards taken five at a time give approximately 2.6 million combinations.  One in a million does not even come close to your uniqueness or your possibility.

Your thinking drives your emotions and the emotions release hormones that allows genes to express themselves into you as a unique individual.  If you have an emotion and you hold onto it for several days you may say you are in a mood.  If you continue to hold onto that emotion you may say that you have reached a state.  If you continue after that it becomes a personality trait. Typically we get into trouble by holding onto foul moods that eventually turn into a chronic disease.  You have to decide if you want to make yourself sick by hanging onto foul emotions.

It is important to have a physical environment that is beneficial to your desired being.  However, all of the vitamins and minerals or medicine for that matter in the world cannot overcome your thinking.  They can help you think better and remove some physical pain, but it is up to you to decide if you truly want to make a contribution to the world.  The key is to think of beneficial things while giving up judgment and ill will. Consider Galatians chapter 5.

There two things that I have learned as a Christians that many have not or refuse to accept.  First from the first sentence in the Bible – “In the beginning, God….”.  Second, there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood from Hebrews chapter eleven.  Jesus has shed all of the blood that is necessary to be shed for forgiveness.  If you don’t forgive, then it is on you.  Our Lord said it best when he was healing the two blind men: “According to your faith (or belief) let it be done to you..”  Mt. 9:29, NIV.  I have heard this discussed many times as to whether you have to have belief or faith to be healed.  I now know that this is indeed the case as Christianity and quantum physics begin to arrive at the same conclusion.  You are what you think and you define that by the truth of your self-observation.  – Pandemic Survivor