Pain, Pain Meds, and Disability

Americans are dying from pain meds and suffering more pain because of pain meds.  We not just talking about illegal drugs like: heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, etc. We can add to that prescription pain meds, in particular, the opiate meds.  We can also add to that over-the-counter pain meds, NSAIDS.  Why are we using so many pain meds?  It is because of the pain created by the food we eat, the lack of nutrition, and the choices we have made in medicine.  This leads to an extremely high incidence of chronic illness and thus, PAIN.


Around the beginning of the 20th Century, money was funded away from nutritional medicine and toward patent medicine.  This created a population of chronically ill.  To resolve the pain of chronic illness, the population has turned to pain meds to treat symptoms and not the actual disease.  This has created many types of social problems as well as created an economic nightmare for healthcare.  Dr. Mercola Article on how this happened.

A lot of the pain comes from deteriorated cartilage.  But the meds that are used to treat pain, prevent the repair of cartilage.  Baby boomers have taken large amounts of NSAIDS that have caused deterioration of cartilage, and the need for joint and back surgeries.

“In human studies, NSAIDs have been shown to accelerate the radiographic progression of OA of the knee and hip. For those using NSAIDs compared to the patients who do not use them, joint replacements occur earlier and more quickly and frequently. The author notes that massive NSAID use in osteoarthritic patients since their introduction over the past forty years is one of the main causes of the rapid rise in the need for hip and knee replacements, both now and in the future.” – See more at Journal of Prolotherapy.

This of course is to say nothing of the number of deaths, kidney failures, heart failures, bleeding of the stomach and gut, and liver failures from over-the-counter meds.  All caused by taken more and more meds to prevent pain.  We have the greatest medical system in the world when it comes to treating acute illness.  But with chronic pain, we fail miserably.  Add to this the use of prescription meds and illegal meds and the social and economic issues continue.  I feel your pain and experienced pain for three decades before researching to find that it was just nutritional issues.

When it comes to nutrition, it seems that we are left to our own resources to find cures.  Without the use of the internet and the many professionals that reported on the issues, I would most likely be dead.  I am only one out of ten Americans over sixty that is not on a prescription med.  Begin your research into nutritional healing.  The most of it has to do with not getting enough vitamins and minerals.

This issue cannot be resolved simply by eliminating the use of pain meds with more guidelines for doctors.  The only way that we as a society can overcome this issue is for our institutions to reach a higher level of moral standards.  By that, I mean institutions should adopt standards (yes, specifically Health and Human Services) and educate the population on the research that has already been done to relieve chronic illness and pain with nutrition.  It is not our genome that is at fault.  It is the nutritionally and emotionally stimulated epigenome that needs repair.

Nano Policosanol Study Shows Increased Vitamin D

Recently a clinical trial was started with 32 patients with many medical issues. P. R. Raghavan, Ph.D. has provided me with some of the initial results of the trail after thirty days.  There are sixty markers for health being used in the study.  The patients are being given 5 mg of per day of Metadichol (nano policosanol) and the markers being tested periodically.

The very interesting thing is that the vitamin D levels (25(OH)D) of the patients have improved by 38.2%.  The baseline for the trial was an average of 12.75 ng/ml.  After thirty days, the average of the group increased to 17.77 ng/ml.  The following graph shows the results of 31 patients with one of the patients left out as there was no change in vitamin D. This gives the result of an increase for 31 patients at 39.4%.  There was no supplementation of vitamin D or increased exposure to sunshine to account for this increase.


In Dr. Raghavan’s findings for Metadichol, he has shown through nuclear receptor studies that Metadichol can act as an agonist, antagonist, and as an inverse agonist for the vitamin D receptor.  In conversations with Dr. Raghavan, he believes that Metadichol acts in place of vitamin D or as a helper to make the action of vitamin D more effective.  He states that the vitamin D receptor is like the conductor of an orchestra to allow other nuclear receptors to properly react for health. I asked him how the nano policosanol knows how to control the receptors.  He states that he believes it is through the communication of the genes in food with the human genome. 

The details of the complexity of nano policosanol interaction with the human genome is yet to be completely determined.  However, many thousands have taken Metadichol as a supplement in Asia for over a year with only positive results of health being reported.  Policosanol is the waxy aliphatic alcohol that is found on the sun exposed portion of many plants.  The Cubans have found in studies that policosanol is very effective in reducing total cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing HDL, the more desirable form of cholesterol for health.  In addition, Dr. Raghavan has shown that Metadichol affects many of the markers for health which include blood sugar and insulin response.  We will know more when the trial is completed.  The Chinese have allowed the product to be marketed as boosting the immune system. It is particularly effective for wound healing and Dr. Raghavan also plans to show how Metadichol affects metabolic age.