Sunday Daybreak

Winter Tones

Grey tones define our days as soft rain
Draws us to the desire of sun and its nourishment
And we know that this cannot last forever
Yet there is peace and joy in this solitude

My body aches from lack of summer days
But this peace brought on by the cold
Is truly an understanding that the renewal
Is only moments away from true restoration

With body in a defenseless mode
I am weary from the lack of warmth
And in particular there is the desire
That is beyond my understanding

A ray of sun then stills itself on my forehead
From the bright spectral clouds before me
And hope springs into mind as I know now
Defines the fulfillment of hope, faith, and love

Original Verse – Mark Pegram

all rights reserved

Living in Community

We have just past the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.  That means the days have stopped getting shorter and started getting longer.  In all cultures in the higher latitudes we find a time of celebration centered on this increase in light.  This increase in light has always been associated with an increase in ‘life’.  The start of winter or the beginning of a necessary fast because of the sparseness of the necessities to sustain life just calls for a coming together of members of the community to talk of hope and comfort in being together and knowing that a change has occurred that is a renewal of life.   Christians adopted this time of renewal to also celebrate a time of hope so as to not fall into worship of things other than God and so that Christians could come together with the larger community in celebration of the renewal of life.

May joy and happiness totally consume your life during this period of renewal and this celebration with family and friends.  We pray for the renewal of our institutions in empathy toward the individuals that they serve.

Joy, hope, peace and love calls for renewal
As we come together in community
Seeking the significance and comfort of others
In belief that the community is our best hope

No one wants to suffer the long hard periods
Of the beginning of the renewal in life alone
When our worst fear calls terror to heart
That the long periods of pain will continue

While huddled in community our fears dissolve
And slowly each day is longer and brighter
As the sun begins to bring this renewal of life
To all beings as joy and hope lock in syzygy

Original Verse by Mark Pegram

“Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”  – John 1:3-5 NIV

Merry Christmas!  – Pandemic Survivor

Happy Thanksgiving

It is always good to be with family and fiends and enjoy a life wrap in the abundance of joy.

Gratitude of the Moment

Children and their games always bring hope
As they play at who they are as they are
For it is not play to children as it is life
And this should be a lesson to us

As small children we perceive life
In what is happening in the moment
And do not let the future or the past
Destroy the always shinning sun

Only in the present do we know that we are
And that other people are there for us
To share their love and life freely with intent
And in this moment gratitude resolves me

Original Verse by – Mark Pegram

May blessings come to as you bask in the sun.  – Pandemic Survivor

Imagine Freedom

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of dreams
Brings images of delight for life
As we follow our happiness
Not like a sea lion trapped in a desolate barren

Endless stretches of sun bleached sand
Getting stuck in every crevice available
Make you itch for the life that you are destined
As you long to be with ones of like mind

And you think of the lives given
So that the sand becomes endless
Delightful forest of refreshing green
All there for you to enjoy at this sacrifice

Now it is ours to maintain for a community
That believes freedom is a Divine gift
For our own decisions of what is happiness
Are we willing to make this same sacrifice?

Held up like a snake on a stick or a cross
We know that this gift has been given
For our enjoyment of life today and forever
And we pause in celebration of this joy

Original verse for the 4th, 2009 by M. Pegram – Please share if you desire

-Pandemic Survivor