Wellness from the Sun has Changed Forever

Henry Lahore of Vitamin D Wiki and with the help of others is putting out a video to help people understand how our relationship to the sun has changed over the last fifty years.  We have moved from outdoors to indoors.  Activities including work and play have all moved inside.  All of our energy for health which includes all the food that we eat comes from the sun.  Now, with sunscreens to shield us from the sun and sheltering inside, chronic diseases have increased significantly.

Highlights of the video include:

  • Diseases from low sun exposure
  • How food sources from decades ago were higher in vitamin D
  • How much vitamin D to take to get started
  • Blood test should be used to determine if your vitamin D level is high enough
  • The science behind the understanding of how vitamin D works for wellness
  • The video is to be made available so that it can easily be provided with voice over for eighty eight different languages
  • All of this in only five minutes in an easily understood format

One of the features of the video is a doctor that raised serum levels of vitamin D for his patients to 80 ng/ml.  This is well within the normal ranges of 30 to 100 ng/ml.  The patients in his clinic went from an average of four visits per year to one visit per year.  This statement should be significant in raising your awareness of the power of the sun and how it affects us and society as a whole.  I will let you know when this video becomes available. When it is available, please pass it along on face book, twitter, and any other public means that you have available. – Pandemic Survivor