Race Baiting in the Controversy of the MMR Vaccine and the CDC

There has recently been news related to the admittance by the CDC of omitting data about the MMR vaccine and the African-American population. It seems that there is data from as early as 2001 that the MMR vaccine is responsible for a 240% increase in autism in that population. Words such as “murder” and “black babies condemned to medical violence” have been used.   I do not think that this is appropriate language. The greater question is why does dark skin cause a higher incidence of autism? Is there a key factor that allows a higher incidence of autism with the MMR vaccine? Here is Mike Adams article on the media cover up and his explanation. Mike is great in finding out the facts.  Also, here is a fifteen minute You Tube video of an interview about how the information came to light from independent journalist Gary Franchi.  Also, Dr. David Brownstein’s comments.

I believe there are two primary factors associated with the higher increase in autism in the dark skin population. First, I believe it is directly related to the well-established fact that people with darker skin have lower levels of vitamin D. The greater question should then be does lower vitamin D levels in children lead to a higher incidence of autism? Second, I do believe there are nutritional issues where children do not get enough sulfur proteins and vegetables and not enough folates, a B vitamin, (please note, not folic acid another health issue) to allow the body’s natural elimination process for toxins to occur.

Until scientist start using proper statistical methods to allow for a better understanding of multivariate causes, we will continue to have issues with clearly understanding the data. All studies should use nutritional testing in addition to testing for specific effects. There are methods that have been used in manufacturing that could readily be adapted to medical studies that have been in place since the 1970’s. These graphical methods not only allows the novice to see the effects, it also allows the reviewer to see which variant caused the effect and clearly shows interactions. Dr. John Cannell, Vitamin D Council,  has stated in the past that all of our medical studies may be invalid because of not testing nutritional factors specifically vitamin D.

To protect your child against the toxicity of the MMR vaccine, there should first be assurance that the child is getting enough sunshine for exposure to UVB or supplementation of vitamin D. Also the child should be getting enough of the sulfur proteins and vegetables to allow the natural detox functions. A colorful array of fruits and vegetables should also allow for enough B vitamins and minerals to allow the function of the protein sulfur processes to generate glutathione, a natural waste remover in the body. Here is a list of high sulfur foods from Livestrong.com.

It is not just the dark skin population that we should have concern, but all of the population. Political dalliances along with the understanding by our government that the economic strength of the nation through our health sector is more important than the health of the individual; we have created a very unhealthy population. Our children’s life expectancy is now less than their parents. With the election of a person with dark skin to President, we have caused more racial unrest through his actions. Race baiting in not the proper approach. God loves all his children – seek first love, joy, and peace. – Pandemic Survivor

Celebrities with Back Pain

As we consider the many people we know with back pain, this past weekend was particularly disturbing. Jason Dufner, Defending Champion, had to withdraw from the PGA Championship and Tiger Woods should not have continued to play. It has become obvious that the practice of medicine offers no nutritional solution for failed cartilage. This includes all joints that are supported and allowed to flex with cartilage. Very serious is the loss of cartilage in the back between vertebrae. The compression of the vertebral disc causes nerves that serve most areas of the body to become blocked or compromised. Whether it is in the upper back, like Dufner’s, which can affect the arms, torso, and neck or the lower back, like Woods, where the pain and muscle failure is felt in the lower extremities. We take alarm when our own backs and joints ache, but it takes away our love and joy for life when celebrities suffer and our leaders are impaired. I often think of John F. Kennedy and the fact that he was wearing a back brace at the time of his death.

It was particularly alarming to me as I have been a lifelong golfer. I know the pain of not being able to play. I have now overcome this disability, but have not returned to the game. Many of my friends think that I have not returned because of my back, but there are other reasons like writing which are more important. I often ponder if our leaders consider there are more important things than golf – sorry, I digress. Before I discovered the nutritional solution to repair cartilage, my doctor offered to write a letter for seventy percent disability which I turned down. If I decided to pick up the clubs again, I suspect I could return to my current age form. But most likely not the form that I did have when playing three times per week.

I would have thought by now that the nutritional solutions would be common in the practice of medicine. I would like to apologize for not making the solution more public. I have tried to explain the nutritional issues on this blog and it can be found. However, now emphasized is the fact that I need to get on with my second book – The healing of back pain and the nutritional approach for cartilage repair.

I guess finding the solution was not as simple as I thought. It is not just one nutrient, but the interaction of many nutrients. These include, vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin B in its many forms, sulfate, magnesium, iodine, and many other micro-minerals. The dose of nutrients is critical for supplementation versus diet. The vitamins cannot be taken in synthetic form and must represent nutrients that are expected by our biological processes. There is also the issue of genetic mutations that can be overcome when taken the vitamins in the correct form. Also toxins should be eliminated from the body, in particular arsenic as it interferes with the methylation cycle.

I have stated before that the solution can be found in the medical literature. However, it will not be found as a double blind control trial. You have to think of the formation of stems cells in the bone marrow, the differentiation into chondrocytes, and the further differentiation into the correct form of cartilage. There does not seem to be anyone that is willing to take on the interaction of nutrients because of the complexity and low economic return to the researchers. There were multiple papers that I read to arrive at the correct nutrients and just got lucky on one nutrient. After supplementing, I grew three inches taller in ten months. That was ten years ago. This freed up the compression on the nerves in my back and eliminated the several diseases that include, degenerative disc disease and sleep apnea and the resulting impairment. I had two back surgeries and prevented more back surgery. I now know that if I had found the correct combination of nutrients earlier in life; I could have avoided all back surgery.

I am sixty three years old and do not take any meds. This is very unusual for my generation as I have discovered through reading and in conversations with my friends. Over sixty years old, 89% of the population takes one or more prescription drugs according to the CDC. This is very sad to me as the US is about 50th in the world in life expectancy. Our country is ravaged with chronic disease. I will continue to take supplements and I don’t eat very healthily. The side effects of the prescription drugs that I did take for pain and resulting depression were alarming. I am sure that if I gave up my fondness for wheat, which I have a severe sensitivity and an addiction, most everyone in my generation would be envious of my health. At one point my doctor said my labs looked like those of a healthy twenty five year old. I have often doubted in my ability to solve complex problems, I should never do that again. After all, the solution to nutritional repair is totally out of my area of formal education, study of engineering, chemistry, fluid flow, heat transfer and combustion – aka “rocket science.” ;>) I have estimated about eight thousand hours of reading and researching over the last twelve years to arrive at the solution. But of course, I was also lead. Keep the faith, with the help of medical professionals I’m publishing soon. – Pandemic Survivor

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science

We get so caught up in the advancement of science that we take everything that our doctor says he can do for us at face value. However, there is a large disconnect between medical science and the practice of medicine. We move with herd mentality toward collective thinking about how we are to survive our ills. The media promotes medical treatments because it is the life blood of their organizations from advertising.

An article by the same name as the title to this post was published in The Atlantic, November, 2010.  This article is in depth of what goes on between researchers and doctors in medical practice. You may not want to read the article because of the uncertainty that it may bring to you. However, if you are taking three prescription drugs or more, then you should read.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science

“Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science.”

David H. Freedman; The Atlantic, Oct. 4, 2010

What is worse is that the science gets skewed for economic advantages. You may recall the misleading paper that I commented on in May about asthma. Vitamin D3 Significantly Reduces Asthma Flare-Ups The author makes the conclusion that there is no advantage in taking vitamin D for asthma. Buried in his data is the fact that persons in the vitamin D group had a forty percent reduction in flare-ups.

“One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny.”  – Bertrand Russell from Brainy Quote

I believe the state of medicine, because it is the largest economic sector, has now reached this condition described by William J. Federer – “The COUNTRY is controlled by LAWS> LAWS are controlled by POLITICIANS> POLITICIANS are controlled by VOTERS> VOTERS are controlled by PUBLIC OPINION> PUBLIC OPINION is controlled by the MEDIA (News, Hollywood, Internet…) & EDUCATION so, whoever controls MEDIA & EDUCATION, controls the COUNTRY.”

This leaves us in this condition described by this quote from Suzanne Collins, Morningjay – “But collective thinking is usually short-lived. We’re fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction.”

Scientists want you to believe that the science is too complicated for the average person to understand so that the masses can be lead to a collective thinking for economic advantage. This is usually done through the use of manipulating statistics. However, there are methods in statistics that cannot be easily manipulated without outright lying about the data. This is done through the use of averages.

Consider Francis Galton   The good and bad of Francis Galton is his foundation of correlations and statistics and his belief in eugenics. Consider this story in his discovery of the use of statistics from Wikipedia.

“Variance and standard deviation

Core to any statistical analysis is the concept that measurements vary: they have both a central tendency, or mean, and a spread around this central value, or variance. In the late 1860s, Galton conceived of a measure to quantify normal variation: the standard deviation.

Galton was a keen observer. In 1906, visiting a livestock fair, he stumbled upon an intriguing contest. An ox was on display, and the villagers were invited to guess the animal’s weight after it was slaughtered and dressed. Nearly 800 participated, but not one person hit the exact mark: 1,198 pounds. Galton stated that “the middlemost estimate expresses the vox populi, every other estimate being condemned as too low or too high by a majority of the voters”, and calculated this value (in modern terminology, the median) as 1,207 pounds. To his surprise, this was within 0.8% of the weight measured by the judges. Soon afterwards, he acknowledged that the mean of the guesses, at 1,197 pounds, was even more accurate.”

As you can see from the above observation, averages are very powerful. Later, this understanding of averages was assimilated by Elis Ott into analysis of the means, ANOM, as a statistical method for solving the problem of determining interactions. Medical science now depends on analysis of the variance and very seldom looks at interactions during drug trials because of the complexity of the math.

What are we to do when visiting the doctor? If you have an acute illness, know that he US has the best medical facilities in the world. If you have chronic disease or other chronic health condition, then be very careful in listening to your doctor about what drugs to take. Research it thoroughly. Talk with specialist in holistic medicine, remember what your grandparents used to do, and weigh all of this in combination with your own best thinking.

We are driven by our fear of illness, however, the best way to treat fear are to heed the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. “Normal fear protects us; abnormal fear paralyses us. Normal fear motivates us to improve our individual and collective welfare; abnormal fear constantly poisons and distorts our inner lives. Our problem is not to be rid of fear but, rather to harness and master it.”

You are what you believe and what you put into your body, and the environment you maintain: “Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to environmental signals.”  – Bruce Lipton “Biology of Belief”

Always seek love, joy, and peace first as you harness your fear. – Pandemic Survivor

As an aside, have you seen the news on the water problems in Toledo? It appears that I was right on in my post of cyanobacteria. Microcystins in the water created by the ‘bloom’ from these bacteria is creating havoc in the water supply. Microcystins are peptides, protein mimics, that can cause any number of neurological diseases and other diseases. Summer Fun in the Sun and Water