Supplement with Vitamin D NOW!

Several weeks ago, the local paper printed a story by the Associated Press that was entitled “Vitamin D deficiency widely overestimated, experts warn patients.”  This story was carried by most major news’ outlets at a time when supplementation for vitamin D is necessary in the northern latitudes.  The article was based on a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) by four scientists that were on the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) food and nutrition board for vitamin D and calcium.  The IOM reported in 2010 that you only needed 600 to 800 IU per day of vitamin D from all sources whether you were a ten-pound baby or a three-hundred-pound adult.  What the NJEM paper and the news article fail to mention is that there was a statistical error found in the study and confirmed by several universities.  The real value should have been reported at over 7,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Follow link to read about the error.

One of the researchers, JoAnn Manson of Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, is doing a study given 26,000 patients 2,000 IU per day.  She hopes to compare the study against statistics from the general population. The problem for Manson is that her study is extremely flawed because now most of the population knows that you need more than the 2,000 IU per day.  She wants to slow down the supplementation of the general population to validate her study.  The news article emphasizes “there’s an epidemic of needless testing and too many people taking too many pills for a deficiency that very few people truly have.”  If that is truly the case, then why is she doing the study at a higher level of supplementation?

It is amazing that the medical industry has been trying to keep the general population deficient of the vital hormone, vitamin D3, for a very long time.  The problem goes back to the 1940s when the US sued seventeen multinational corporations for conspiracy of price manipulation and not putting an adequate amount of vitamin D in over-the-counter supplements.  Why?  The original reason for this criminal act was about making money from discoveries that may not have been patentable. The withholding of the information has gone on so long now that the economy is at risk if everyone gets enough vitamin D to be healthy. Government action has now fallen in step with the medical industry because of the economy. Why has it been two years since the error was found and the public has not been notified?  How would an adequate amount of vitamin D affect the economy?  One medical practice gave their patients enough supplements to make the general population replete in critical nutrients.  Office visits went from four per patient per year to one visit per patient per year. Think how the patients’ health most have improved—think of the dollar loss to the medical practice.

So, what to believe?  People with light colored skin typically will make in twenty minutes, about 20,000 IU of vitamin D3, with mid-day sun exposure in the summertime with sixty percent of the skin exposed. People with dark skin may take 3 to 6 times longer.  Who are you going to believe, nature or the medical industry?  In the winter our immune systems become depressed because of reduction in the amount of vitamin D3 made from sun exposure. Colds and the flu increase and more people die from chronic disease. Let the researchers play their games while you protect your health with adequate vitamins and minerals.  It is time to have empathy for the health of the population based on science.

This winter you should supplement per twenty-five pounds of body weight per day with approximately: deficient-vits-and-mins

  • 1000 IU of vitamin D3
  • 100 mg of magnesium (not magnesium oxide as you do not absorb it)
  • 500 mg vitamin C
  • 5 mg zinc

If you weigh 175 pounds, the amount of supplementation of these nutrients in which we are deficient would be 7,000 IU of vitamin D3, 700 mg of magnesium, 3,500 mg of vitamin C, and 35 mg of zinc.  This of course is not the whole story of nutritional deficiency, but it would be a great start to get you through the winter.  –Pandemic Survivor

Defend Against Viral Diseases—Including Zika

zikaMuch of the tropical world is being attacked by insect- and otherwise-transmitted diseases.  This includes diseases like Ebola, chikungunya, dengue fever, West Nile, and leishmaniasis (A disease from a parasite carried by sandflies that is showing up more in America.).  Significant fear is now in the American medical community for the surge of cases reported without significant available treatment and prevention. Per the CDC, Zika is now considered a level 2 threat (practice enhanced protection and some are calling it a full blown infection with transmission by mosquitos and sexual activity) in Puerto Rico. The US Congress is so concerned that it recently approved a $1.1 billion Zika funding bill.  With the struggle to find immediate effective prevention and treatment, the nutraceutical Metadichol® may provide a solution.

Metadichol®, a nanoemulsion of policosanol has been found to be effective in vitro of eliminating the infections from cells.  It has also been found effective in two case studies of patients with dengue fever.  Policosanol is long chain lipid alcohols found in many foods like rice, sugar cane, wheat, and peanuts.  The reason that Metadichol® is so effective is because it is better absorbed as the nanoemulsion.

With the favorable findings for other tropical diseases, Metadichol® was tested against the Zika virus with very positive results. Link here for published paper in Journal for Immunological Techniques in Infectious Disease:  In vitro Inhibition of Zika Virus by Metadichol®, A Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid   From the abstract: “Conclusion: Metadichol® is a safe and effective inhibitor for enveloped viruses in humans. Since it is known to bind to the vitamin D receptor (VDR), its action mechanism likely involves the competitive displacement of virus particles from VDR’s on host cell membranes. Metabolism studies of long chain alcohol in fibroblasts suggest that very long chain fatty alcohols, fatty aldehydes, and fatty acids are reversibly interconverted in a fatty alcohol cycle [3]. Metadichol consists of natural components of common foods (classified as GRAS), Metadichol has no known negative side effects. The inhibition of Zika virus by Metadichol® is not surprising, given that we have recently published the results of Metadichol® which showed broad-spectrum antiviral activity against Dengue, Ebola, H1N1, SARS, Chikungunya and other enveloped viruses. (4)

Discoverer of Metadichol®, Dr. P. R. Raghavan, believes that Metadichol® could be used as a preventive for the many diseases.  He states in his conclusion at the end of the paper: Metadichol® could serve as a preventive agent for Zika given that it strengthens the innate immunity through VDR binding, and represent the first key step in preventing diseases. Metadichol® is ready for large scale testing in areas which are ravaged by viruses. Once proven on large populations, Metadichol® could be used as a preventive nutritional supplement in countries where viral fevers are widely prevalent. Metadichol is being sold as a nutritional supplement in a few Asian countries for the last two years and is extremely well tolerated. So far, there have been no reports of any adverse side effects.”

In discussions with Dr. Raghavan, Metadichol, through binding to nuclear receptors, allows the physiology of the human body to act at its highest level.  This is especially true of the immune system.  I believe that we are headed to a new and ancient understanding of how food is critical to health.  It is interesting in how the lipid alcohols act along vitamin D pathways.  It is well established how infections tend to block the action of the VDR.  With Metadichol allowing the body to operate at its optimum, it is even more critical that we have the nutrients necessary to raise our immune system.  The short list is Vitamin D, Vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, and magnesium.

It is now time to stop the insane madness of trying to create only synthetic drugs with the many destructive side effects to treat disease. The medical community should look to nutrition first through food and supplementation for the treatment of chronic and infectious disease.

©2016 Mark Pegram