ADD, ADHD, Autism, and Cretinism – Deficiency Diseases

Bad parenting, video games, television, poor schools, and on and on have all been blamed for disorders in children.  Add to that the claims of environment toxins from mercury in vaccines to additives in plastics leaves us grasping at straws as families deal with the ever growing issues.  However, I believe the real bad actors in all the array of mental and physical malfunction is primarily caused by deficiencies of critical nutrients.  The primary players in brain function and physical formation are iodine, vitamin D, and vitamin A.  Depending on the level of deficiency of nutrients will give a varying degree of malfunction.  Not only are the deficiencies important, it is also during the period of development of the child that the deficiency occurs that is critical.

A minor deficiency in iodine and vitamin D during the year of three to six or older may lead to ADD or ADHD.  A severe deficiency of iodine during pregnancy will lead to Cretinism or severe mental and physical malformation.  A deficiency of iodine during the first two years of life will lead to 10 to 15 points loss of IQ.  The array and severity of various diseases are endless.  It all depends on the nutrition of the person involved.

The solution for parents to relieve the worry of rearing children is relative simple.  Be sure that the mother during pregnancy and the child during developmental years get enough of the required nutrients.  You cannot sit back and expect government and your doctors to be all protective.  Their goals are not necessarily a healthy developing child which conflicts severely with the goals of the parents.

The question then becomes how much of what nutrient do I need to be sure my children are healthy.  Here is where the real conflict comes into play.  The science is not limited in providing the correct understanding of what is needed.  However, the needs of the child come in direct conflict with the needs of the institution’s economic health.  I recently heard a doctor on Fox News describe the supplementation with vitamins and minerals as not necessary.  Of course this would be true if you lived in the Garden of Eden.  With today’s food processing removing nutrients and destroying the integrity of organic molecules, the need of supplementation is every present.

To keep it simple, I would suggest that you get the following amounts from all sources:

Vitamin D3 approximately 40 IU per pound of body weight per day
Vitamin A the same as D3
Iodine approximately 1 milligram for every fifty pounds of body weight should be adequate.

Otherwise, try to maintain a healthy diet by eating a wide variety of foods.  Keep the amount of dense carbohydrates to a minimum.  Avoid wheat and corn if possible and especially if it is GMO.  Keep sugar to a minimum.

With that being said, I will leave you with two thoughts:  “Food is Medicine.”  – Randy Jirtle  and don’t give up freedom for security.  – Pandemic Survivor