Enhanced Development of Stem Cells with Metadichol

3D Stem CellsMy first experience with Metadichol was the quick healing of a wound. A wild cherry tree had fallen in the woods behind my house. I had sawed the tree into fire size logs and stacked them in a pile. As I threw one of the logs onto the pile, it caught the back of my hand and caused a two-inch-long cut. I treated the cut with the Metadichol spray. The healing took place twice as fast as my normal experience with cuts. I suspected then that somehow stem cells must have been increased or differentiated or both by the Metadichol for the quick healing (A future article will show two examples of healing with Metadichol from my personal experience.) Dr. P. R. Raghavan has had research done by Skanda Labs to show that stem cells are increased in umbilical cord blood when treated with Metadichol.

The research paper, Metadichol and CD34 Expression in Umbilical Cord Blood, is published in the Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy on January 29, 2018. CD34 is a marker for the action of stem cells in many types of cells within the body. During the study, an increase of CD34 protein was shown with the application of Metadichol. Injection of CD34 enriched hematopoietic stem cells have been clinically used for treating spinal cord injury, cirrhosis and peripheral vascular disease. Link to paper as PDF: Metadichol-CD34

There are many types of stem cells within human biology. The two basic classes are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The ability of Metadichol to enhance the development of and the differentiation into a variety cells is critical to healing. This may mean that Metadichol can be used in many different cases of disease to promote healing. Metadichol is simply a nanoemulsion of policosanol or a food substance. Policosanol is a waxy alcohol that is found of many plants which we use for food. There are no known side effects with the food, policosanol.

Science is now using genetic manipulation to help in the development of stems cells. The result is the possibility of rejection of the developed cells and serious side effects. Destruction of cells in the attempts to heal cancer has required the replacement of healthy cells. This has been done typically by using the person’s cells and genetically manipulating them and replacing them in the body. Earlier and current attempts in replacing cells have been done through transplants from donors as in bone marrow transplants. Also, cord blood is now being frozen by some for future use in healing because of the concentration of stem cells.

This is very exciting news. The development of a natural substance used for healing confirms the fact that “Food is medicine and medicine is food.” Thanks for reading. –Mark Pegram

Other Post (22) on Metadichol: https://pandemicsurvivor.com/category/metadichol/

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The Leading Cause of Death—Pain

painR1It’s 3 AM and your body aches in relentless agony.  You’ve already had twelve hundred milligrams of ibuprofen and the pain continues.  Hot baths, cold baths, and nothing seems to give you relief.  The emotional pain begins as you realize that you will not be able to work and your family needs your income to survive.  As emotional pain and physical pain dance around your central nervous system, despair becomes your state of being.  The remedy is not prescription pain meds or street drugs.

Recent headlines screamed that the leading cause of death for persons under fifty is pain med abuse.  Having lived with pain since the late 1970s before overcoming it in the 2000s, I would say the leading cause of all death is PAIN.  Is it that opiates are being abused, or is it that there is so much pain that humans will do almost anything to relieve themselves of pain?  The signal that your body needs repair becomes worse than the underlying condition. As the pain continues the natural response of our body is to start shrinking the brain and other neural tissue. As the quality of life fails, emotional turmoil leads us into a state where death seems to be better than life.  Why have we come to this stage of pain?  Pain is the number one ailment in the US with 100 million people in some form of pain.

The cause of pain in the US has been the result of trying to maintain the largest segment of the economy as the medical industry.  To accomplish this feat, it has been necessary to manipulate society in many different areas. 

  • The food supply has been changed so that there are many artificial chemicals that our bodies cannot handle. How food is processed is another abuse to our food supply that the body does not respond well to. This prevents our bodies from achieving the normal healing processes provided by food. When we don’t heal, chronic pain is the result.
  • We have been scared from the sun for over the last fifty years.  Vitamin D will damage your body and UV radiation will give you cancer.  This lie has led to much of our pain.  Not only does UV light provide many beneficial compounds when proper solar exposure is maintained, but also the other side of the visible spectrum or near infrared provides many healing benefits. This includes energy to our mitochondria for cellular healing.
  • Around the beginning of the Twentieth Century, funding for universities that taught patent medicine while not funding natural healing technologies became the way of American medicine.  This led us to find drugs sourced from natural compounds. To understand this, consider the natural anti-inflammatory salicylates that were modified to make aspirin or salicylic acid. Natural compounds were modified to make drugs and our bodies do not respond well to them.  Also, treating chronic pain with drugs instead of vitamins and minerals is just stupid. Congress even went as far as to say that you cannot advertise anything that is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without going through the FDA’s drug process.  If you don’t drink water you will die.  According to the FDA, if you advertise that water will prevent death, it is a drug.
  •  Now as congress battles over healthcare, it is not about health, but sustaining the medical sector economy.  There is some ethics involved as failure of the economy could lead to pain.  One medical practice decided to start treating their patients with vitamins and minerals based on the huge amount of medical research.  The result for eight thousand patients was a reduction in office visits from four per patient per year to one visit per patient per year.  It does not take an accounting genius to determine that this was huge reduction in income.  Imagine the decline in the US economy if the entire population was given an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.  With almost twenty percent of our economy in the medical sector, the US would plunge into recession.  Our congressmen are now having to balance the health of the economy with the health of the population.  What would you do?  Poor policy decision over the last century has put us into a very sad position.  If we modeled our health policies like the rest of the modernized countries, there would be a loss of over five million health insurance jobs and many medical and pharmaceutical jobs.  Congress has consistently decided in the past that the ill health of the population is better that a loss in the economy. The policies of Health and Human Services can be defined in three simple words: Markets before mandates.

In the decades of my chronic pain, I only survived, through the grace of God, by being able to read medical research papers on nutrition for health and apply the findings to my health.  Does everyone have this capability?  We have put our trust in institutions because we are told that America is the greatest country in the world.  It is a great country, but it has some very bad policies for health.  I have a friend that went into medical practice in the 1970s. He constantly complained that he had no solution for the aches and ill health of the aged.  Obviously, he had not been trained in nutritional solutions.  This is the general course of the medical practice today.

With the new development in research for mitochondrial (cellular energy) health, our understanding of how processed carbohydrates lead to poor health has increased significantly.  It seems that our ancient ancestors had a better understanding of how food heals us than our institutions of today.  If you wait until this becomes common practice of using foods for health, you most likely will be dead.  It will take many decades for our system to change. Over the last half century, we have been scared from the sun, told to use fats that were not healthy, substituted sugar for fats, and continued the use of drugs instead of vitamins and minerals.   

To begin our journey of recovery, please consider eliminating flour from grains and all processed sugar that includes high fructose corn syrup.  Find a source from someone that has studied this for decades.  I have found Dr. Mercola to a have a firm grasp of nutrition for health.  His new book, Fat for Fuel, is very enlightening.  You may also want to subscribe to his daily newsletter. Don’t be alarmed as it is very complicated because of the constant barrage of bad information from our institutions. The Whole30 diet plan may be a good place for you to start. Here are the Whole30 rules. Here is what to expect in the first thirty days as you recover from processed foods. There are many other sources for diet like the paleo diet. Pick one and embrace it for your health.  –Pandemic Survivor

Failure of the US to Protect Citizen’s Health


It was March 2010 and I had just come home to have lunch.  I flipped on the TV and there was Sander Levin, acting Chair of the US Ways and Means Committee after Charles Rangel had stepped aside during his entanglement with the House Ethics Committee. President Obama was in the process of signing the Affordable Health Care.  Obama had asked the Ways and Means Committee to once again to review the economics of the bill.  A reporter stuck his microphone into the face of Levin, “Have you considered universal healthcare?”  Without pause, Levin responded, “I don’t think that the US Economy could handle the loss of five million jobs.” He snapped around, in military fashion, and marched away.

The loss of jobs comment startled me.  What jobs was he referring to? That is when I started to research how health payments were made in the US.  Most Americans don’t have a clue about the economics of healthcare and I certainly didn’t.  It turns out that he was referring to health insurance jobs.  Here is Trump’s dilemma in trying to appeal Obamacare.  The loss of jobs versus providing a health plan for Americans that they can afford and that will not crash the economy. Consider that healthcare accounts for almost twenty percent of the US economy.

Nancy Pelosi’s comment about eighty-five percent of insurance payments going toward health treatment is just a big fat lie.  No insurance company or any other business for that matter could stay afloat if it had to pay out eighty-five percent of its income for external cost.  The real number for the percentage of payment for treatment and pharmaceutical cost is close to fifty-five according to a Yale social economist. In other words, for every dollar that you give to an insurance company, only fifty-five cents is paid to providers and pharmaceuticals.

The health insurance business then falls into the category of a protection racket. The mob comes into your place of business and asks for twenty percent of your sales so that you will not have any break-ins. Compare:  Give me twenty percent of your GDP and I’ll assure that you get health treatment.  All of this with the protection of the US Congress.  How many of you would like to have Congress tell your clients that they must buy your product?  How many of you would like to have a monopoly in a state for your product?  Only health insurance and Major League Baseball have monopolies.

Health insurance allows you to be “ill at ease.”

How did we get into this mess? It is a long and boring story of government treating its citizens like cows to be harvested for income.  Consider that a cow has its greatest value when it reaches its maximum weight.  Just like cows, we have our largest value to insurance companies when we reach end-of-life health cost at our maturity. Most people think that health cost is bad for insurance companies.  It is just the opposite.  The larger cost of healthcare means a larger amount of sales for insurance companies. I had the opportunity to play golf with a CEO of a large health insurance company.  I said to him, “I had about eighty thousand dollars in health insurance payments for treatment of my back pain over the last decade.  Does that mean you had about one hundred sixty thousand in sales to cover that cost?”  He replied in the affirmative. My research numbers were confirmed.

Manufacturing jobs build wealth.  Insurance jobs are not service jobs and do not build wealth.  It only takes away from the wellbeing of the population long term, just like other protection rackets.  Government has sent our manufacturing jobs elsewhere while replacing them with insurance jobs.  If we do go to universal healthcare quickly, we would plunge the economy into recession, if not economic depression. This is the present dilemma for Congress as they try to determine what to do with the failed Obamacare.  How would you replace five to eight million health insurance jobs (The number of health insurance jobs have grown under Obamacare which was the intention of the bill)?  Other economically similar countries all have universal healthcare that was started in the 1960s when Lyndon Johnson threw us into an economic storm with his “Great Society.”  Universal healthcare is why countries like Canada have healthcare cost that are almost half of what it is in the US—no health insurance jobs.

“Bernie Sanders, firmly for universal health coverage, goes into a bar at a large hotel that is filled with insurance agents there for a convention.  Hoping to create as many problems as possible he yells; insurance agents are all crooks.  If you have a problem, just come up here right now.  A man came up and stuck a finger in Sanders’ face and told him to take it back.  Sanders asked him if he was an insurance agent.  The man replied, no I’m a crook.”

I am firmly a capitalist, but there are some things that I don’t think the large invisible hand of Adam Smith should be allowed to control.  That is anything that does not build wealth or health.  Health insurance and other protection rackets fall into this category.  We have had our freedom of life and pursuit of happiness taken away from us for our Government’s version of security.  We have neither. Sustaining institutions at the cost of the individuals they serve is evil (M. Scott Peck, “People of the Lie”).  Maintenance and growth of a large market is necessary for continued business growth.  With health insurance, the sicker the population, the better for business.  Government has colluded with health insurance companies through campaign contributions to pass laws and manipulate agencies under HHS to assure this happens.  HHS’s moto is “Markets before Mandates.”  Just consider now that we know through science that there would be one thousand less deaths a day the US through the elimination of vitamin D deficiency. This is to say nothing about the significant reduction in chronic disease.  Government has not acted because a reduction in this significant portion of GDP would send us into recession.

There is a way out, but media outlets must start telling the truth. The reason that they do not is because advertising is how they maintain income.  If they embarrass their health sector advertisers, business would be bad.  Our free press is necessary for our version of government to work.  The first thing that should happen is to set term limits for congressmen. If congressman acted for the people they represent instead of maintaining institutions, a lot of the ethics and moral issues would be resolved.  As congressmen vote for the people, then news stories would have to explain why, regardless of what their advertisers thought.

A survey was just recently published that put US life expectancy (an indicator of health) at 34th.  This is a result of manipulating science and economic forces to sustain the US economy at the cost of the health of its citizens.  In addition, there is moral decay because of all the pain citizens are suffering.  If we pay twice as much for health as any other country, why do we not have the best health in the world?  Evil . . . —Pandemic Survivor

Pain, Pain Meds, and Disability

Americans are dying from pain meds and suffering more pain because of pain meds.  We not just talking about illegal drugs like: heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, etc. We can add to that prescription pain meds, in particular, the opiate meds.  We can also add to that over-the-counter pain meds, NSAIDS.  Why are we using so many pain meds?  It is because of the pain created by the food we eat, the lack of nutrition, and the choices we have made in medicine.  This leads to an extremely high incidence of chronic illness and thus, PAIN.


Around the beginning of the 20th Century, money was funded away from nutritional medicine and toward patent medicine.  This created a population of chronically ill.  To resolve the pain of chronic illness, the population has turned to pain meds to treat symptoms and not the actual disease.  This has created many types of social problems as well as created an economic nightmare for healthcare.  Dr. Mercola Article on how this happened.

A lot of the pain comes from deteriorated cartilage.  But the meds that are used to treat pain, prevent the repair of cartilage.  Baby boomers have taken large amounts of NSAIDS that have caused deterioration of cartilage, and the need for joint and back surgeries.

“In human studies, NSAIDs have been shown to accelerate the radiographic progression of OA of the knee and hip. For those using NSAIDs compared to the patients who do not use them, joint replacements occur earlier and more quickly and frequently. The author notes that massive NSAID use in osteoarthritic patients since their introduction over the past forty years is one of the main causes of the rapid rise in the need for hip and knee replacements, both now and in the future.” – See more at Journal of Prolotherapy.

This of course is to say nothing of the number of deaths, kidney failures, heart failures, bleeding of the stomach and gut, and liver failures from over-the-counter meds.  All caused by taken more and more meds to prevent pain.  We have the greatest medical system in the world when it comes to treating acute illness.  But with chronic pain, we fail miserably.  Add to this the use of prescription meds and illegal meds and the social and economic issues continue.  I feel your pain and experienced pain for three decades before researching to find that it was just nutritional issues.

When it comes to nutrition, it seems that we are left to our own resources to find cures.  Without the use of the internet and the many professionals that reported on the issues, I would most likely be dead.  I am only one out of ten Americans over sixty that is not on a prescription med.  Begin your research into nutritional healing.  The most of it has to do with not getting enough vitamins and minerals.

This issue cannot be resolved simply by eliminating the use of pain meds with more guidelines for doctors.  The only way that we as a society can overcome this issue is for our institutions to reach a higher level of moral standards.  By that, I mean institutions should adopt standards (yes, specifically Health and Human Services) and educate the population on the research that has already been done to relieve chronic illness and pain with nutrition.  It is not our genome that is at fault.  It is the nutritionally and emotionally stimulated epigenome that needs repair.

Nano Policosanol Study Shows Increased Vitamin D

Recently a clinical trial was started with 32 patients with many medical issues. P. R. Raghavan, Ph.D. has provided me with some of the initial results of the trail after thirty days.  There are sixty markers for health being used in the study.  The patients are being given 5 mg of per day of Metadichol (nano policosanol) and the markers being tested periodically.

The very interesting thing is that the vitamin D levels (25(OH)D) of the patients have improved by 38.2%.  The baseline for the trial was an average of 12.75 ng/ml.  After thirty days, the average of the group increased to 17.77 ng/ml.  The following graph shows the results of 31 patients with one of the patients left out as there was no change in vitamin D. This gives the result of an increase for 31 patients at 39.4%.  There was no supplementation of vitamin D or increased exposure to sunshine to account for this increase.


In Dr. Raghavan’s findings for Metadichol, he has shown through nuclear receptor studies that Metadichol can act as an agonist, antagonist, and as an inverse agonist for the vitamin D receptor.  In conversations with Dr. Raghavan, he believes that Metadichol acts in place of vitamin D or as a helper to make the action of vitamin D more effective.  He states that the vitamin D receptor is like the conductor of an orchestra to allow other nuclear receptors to properly react for health. I asked him how the nano policosanol knows how to control the receptors.  He states that he believes it is through the communication of the genes in food with the human genome. 

The details of the complexity of nano policosanol interaction with the human genome is yet to be completely determined.  However, many thousands have taken Metadichol as a supplement in Asia for over a year with only positive results of health being reported.  Policosanol is the waxy aliphatic alcohol that is found on the sun exposed portion of many plants.  The Cubans have found in studies that policosanol is very effective in reducing total cholesterol and triglycerides and increasing HDL, the more desirable form of cholesterol for health.  In addition, Dr. Raghavan has shown that Metadichol affects many of the markers for health which include blood sugar and insulin response.  We will know more when the trial is completed.  The Chinese have allowed the product to be marketed as boosting the immune system. It is particularly effective for wound healing and Dr. Raghavan also plans to show how Metadichol affects metabolic age. 

A One Legged Man in a Butt Kicking Contest

sunday musting 1I have always been amazed at this image. The idea of jumping and kicking at the same time is just more than my feeble brain can handle. If you are having trouble with the one legged man, think of a one legged stool. It would seem that in either case, doom is the imminent outcome.

Have you ever baked a cake or a pie? Think of a strawberry cake that is made only of strawberries. Not a cake or a pie, you have simply made a collection of strawberries. Or think of a strawberry cake that is made without sugar or fat or flour. It is like the sound of one hand clapping.

This is the problem when a specialist focuses on only “one thing.” The “one thing” has to participate in interactions from and to its environment. Imagine that you are all puckered to kiss and there is nothing opposite your lips, imaginary or otherwise. A handsome prince or a captivating princess, there to receive your pucker, is your desire. But is the kiss in the pucker of the lips only.  I am sure that a specialist in the pucker would think so. The FDA says that a pucker cannot be used to treat, heal, diagnose, or prevent any disease – not even a broken heart.  Of course the specialist would have to disclose any conflicts of interest like his association with the National Sphincter Association.

In the pathological and physiological processes of the human body, water, air, proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals would be “only the lonely” if they could not interact with each other. A body of water is a lake. A body of air is the sky. Birdie, birdie in the sky, I sure am glad that cows can’t fly. Oh, wait, wrong musing! This is the nature of our science and research when one specializes. There was a time when there was only one thing – “In the Beginning God…” The rest is just the dust of interactions. – A. Cognizant Commenter

Things You Should Know

In this blog, I have clearly established that the US continues to have the best acute medical practice in the world. However, when it comes to chronic disease, the US ranks about 50th in the world based on life expectancy. The policies in medicine adopted by government are to maintain the largest segment of the economy without regard for the damage that it is doing to the population’s health or “markets before mandates.” We spend twice as much per capita than Canada or the United Kingdom for health with significantly lower life expectancy. The question then becomes, where else are such policies adopted.

Energy – The Second Largest Economic Segment

Energy is used to drive the best taxation of the population and stable monetary flows without regard for developing science that would significantly change consumer perspectives. There are multiple levels of technology available that will astound you. Consider carbon chemistry. We are limiting the use of coal because of claims that climate change is caused by burning carbon fuels. It makes it difficult to believe when man’s contribution to the carbon cycle is only three percent. Carbon monoxide accounts for four percent of green house gases. Three percent times four percent means that man’s contribution to greenhouse gases is only 0.12 percent of green house gases from carbon monoxide production from energy use.

We have large stores of natural gas that can be converted directly to gasoline. This means that the raw material cost of a gallon of gasoline based on natural gas is about $0.40 per gallon as opposed to crude at $100.00 per barrel or about $2.00 per gallon raw material cost. There was a proposed facility in Ohio for almost 3 million gallons per day that the Obama administration pulled support from in 2009. It would be easy to produce gasoline from our large natural gas stores at under $2.00 per gallon at the pump. This process also requires carbon monoxide, so putting natural gas to gasoline next to a coal fired electric plant would be very advantageous.

Cold fusion or low energy nuclear reactions have shown to be viable technologies. Both Lawrence Livermore labs and the Navy labs have shown this process to be real. I read one article with a picture of a NASA researcher holding a module about the size of an apple. His statement was that the module could be the source of energy for a fifty gallon residential water heater. Is the Navy already using cold fusion in its nuclear drives for submarines? Think about how long the navy used fission nuclear drives for its submarines before the general public knew.

Dark energy and Dark mater make up about 96% of the universe. We cannot see it, touch it, or detect it by any common means. The only reason that we know it exist is because the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate. There are several entities that have patients on how to convert this energy directly for use as heat and electricity. This information is being suppressed for ‘national security’ reasons. Consider this documentary for the 1990’s by the BBC: It Runs on Water.  Energy technology review:  Infinite Energy Magazine

Stanley Meyer had sold his technology to NASA and died suddenly in a restaurant when negotiating with the EU for their use of the technology. US law states that any technology that could affect national security should remain secret and the inventor cannot even discuss it without being put in jail or tried for treason.

Stanley Meyer’s technology included a device that made hydrogen from water. This included a module that could be added to motor vehicles that replaced the need for gasoline. It would allow the vehicle to operate on water with over unity energy. The vehicle ran on hydrogen produced from water that converted back to water after combustion in the engine. Imagine what would happen if we had unlimited energy for the cost of capital. Our freedom would be excessive; government control of the individual would be significantly limited.

Are there other technologies that are being suppressed for economic reasons? The answer is a loud astonishing yes! Consider what happened to me. I was selling water source heat pumps in the early ‘90’s. I suggested to the director of marketing for Duke Energy that they should promote water source heat pumps to reduce their need for new generation facilities. The director promptly stated that they had reviewed water source heat pumps. His concern was that they did not only reduce the peak demand, but would cut total production of energy. I told him I understood the economics and that I would install water source heat pumps in my home and publish the results for my company’s marketing purposes.   The next day when mowing the yard, I noticed the seal on the electrical service meter had been cut and was on the ground. A new seal was placed on the meter. When my monthly electrical bill came, it was only $15 versus the average of over $150. This low monthly rate went on for fifteen years until telemetry for metering was put in place. I was paid off to the amount of $25,000 to not put in water source heat pumps. I did not mention the discrepancy to Duke and Duke never said anything about it. How many ways does this silencing of technology permeate our economics? – Pandemic Survivor

Vitamin D Deficiency Survivor

This post was originally written three years ago, July 19, 2009.  Since we have been discussing D3 and D2, I thought that would be a good idea to revisit my thoughts at that time.

Well it seems like almost since the start of understanding vitamin D in the 1930’s that vitamin D3, cholecalciferol, is equal to vitamin D2, ergocalciferol. This thought continues on today even by some of the best researchers on vitamin D.

Now before we dive right into this discussion let’s just say that vitamin D3 is better than D2 for humans because of the impact on genes and it is less toxic. In other words, take D3 and not D2 as D3 is better. If your doctor prescribes D2, ask him if it is okay for you to take an equal amount of D3 as it will be more effective to your health. Vitamin D3 is readily…

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