A Breakthrough in Health and Extending Life Expectancy

TelemeresMetadichol® strikes again by improving the quality of life, eliminating disease, and extending life expectancy. This plant-based substance or food has shown many ways that it acts to reduce disease and improve health in general. Now the developer, Dr. P. R. Raghavan of Nanorx, Inc., has shown that it increases telomerase or the enzyme for maintaining and increasing the length of telomeres. From the press release: Aging is a law of nature and unavoidable. Instead of targeting a multitude of diseases that confront us as we age Metadichol® is about correcting the root cause of disease.

Telomeres are proteins that are at the ends of each chromosome to prevent the chromosome from sticking to other chromosomes and to protect the genes inside by keeping the chromosome from unraveling. The best way to think about how telomeres act is to imagine the end of a shoe string. How many times have you had the plastic protector on the end of the shoe string come off, and the shoe string begin to fray and unravel? The telomeres also act, during the duplication process of RNA/DNA, as a shield to prevent mishaps.

It has been shown that there are a limited number of reproduction of cells as each time the reproduction occurs, the length of the telomeres is reduced. In other words, the length of your telomeres is an indication of life expectancy. As you age, the telomeres shorten and allow the opportunity for chronic disease, like cancer. By increasing the amount of telomerase, the enzyme that keeps telomeres healthy, Metadichol® acts to improve health and extend life.

From a recent paper: The Quest for Immortality: Introducing Metadichol®, A Novel Telomerase Activator, Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy.
Link to paper: Telomerase-paper

Humans are keenly aware of their mortality. Given a limited time what we do with our life is a reflection of knowledge of our mortality. In 2009 the Nobel prize in medicine to Jack W Szostak, Elizabeth Blackburn, and Carol W Greider for their work on Telomerase and scientific research exploded in this area. Telomere protect chromosome ends and the Telomerase enzyme maintains Telomere length. This activity of Telomerase is essential in aging and stem cells and achieving longer life spans.
    Telomerase is expressed in 85% of human cancer cell lines, but its enzymatic activity is not detectable in most human somatic cells which constitute the vast majority of the cells in the human body. There is a need for increased telomerase activity in stem cells for use in the treatment of therapies where there is an active role for telomerase. Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) provides an attractive source of stem cells for research and therapeutic uses. Work shown here characterizes the gene expression changes from Umbilical cord cells differentiate toward telomerase on treatment with Metadichol®.
     Metadichol® is a nanoemulsion of long-chain alcohols that is nontoxic. It is a mixture of long-chain alcohols derived from food. The work presented here is about the effect of Metadichol® on Telomerase expression profile in Umbilical cord cells. Our results using q-RT-PCR show increases of mRNA telomerase expression by Sixteen-fold at one picogram but down-regulates expression at higher concentrations of 100 pg, 1 ng, 100 ng and one microgram per ml concentration. Western blot studies showed expression of Telomerase protein which is slightly higher than control at one picogram, i.e., Telomerase protein expression continues at replacement level. Since it is devoid of toxic effects, it can be directly tested on humans and is in use today as an immune boosting supplement. Metadichol® increases expression of Klotho an anti-aging gene expression in cancer cell lines by Four to Ten-fold, and Klotho gene has been documented to inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Metadichol® also inhibits TNF, ICAM1, CCL2, and BCAT1 which that is associated with proliferation in yeast and increased metastatic potential in human cancers. It paves the way for safe clinical testing and research and study of Telomerase biology and its use in humans. 

The brilliance of Metadichol is that it is a food and has no known side effects—what a great nutraceutical. –by Mark Pegram


Health or WealthWhich of the above is more important to you? Are great economics with poor health your desire. Is it okay for the most elite scholars to avoid ethics so that they and the institution they work for have a better opportunity for wealth? We, as Americans, have paid for the research on vitamins and minerals and food (VMF). Yet, the value of VMF is hidden from us for the sake of a robust economy.

All the above are inexorably intertwined. There cannot be a large medical economy without a large sick population. Many have coined the word “sick care” for the present state of healthcare in the US. Drugs and cutting are the typical treatments for chronic disease. Disease that could be treated with VMF. If you had proper VMF before you age, then most likely, you would never reach the state of chronic disease. You would simply age and then with a few months of illness, you would pass. Please read Looking Good, Feeling Better for a better understanding.

Many researchers have not published the benefits of VMF in the hopes of being able to make an analog (prescription drug with side effects because it is not natural to the body) of the VMF for profit. We cannot point our finger at any one institution and say that they are at fault. We are all at fault. Government for allowing institutions to profit from illness while cures in VMF exist. Americans for allowing our government to get away with it in a democratic republic. In our Declaration of independence are the words— “life, liberty, and happiness.” Where is the happiness when you are in so much pain from chronic disease that life is miserable? Are you really going to turn to opiates for relief?

We hold doctors up as being the final decision makers for health. This is not the case. Let me state that again. Doctors are not responsible for the interpretation of the science of medicine. They must follow the medical guidelines as set up by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ takes its lead from the Secretary of Health and Human Services and ultimately the President and Congress. Do you think that HHS has your best interest in mind for life, liberty, and happiness? They operate by the principle of “markets before mandates” as clearly stated by Secretary Michael Leavitt in 2008. Note that to value life is the very last. The economy is more important than your health and consequently your happiness.

The archived site that stated these principles has been taken down. Here are government’s nine principles for taking care of your health:

  1. National standards, neighborhood solutions
    2.      Collaborations, not polarization
    3.      Solutions transcend political boundaries
    4.      Markets before mandates
    5.      Protect privacy
    6.      Science for facts, processes for priorities
    7.      Reward result not programs
    8.      Change a heart, change a nation
    9.      Value life

Do you need to have a robust economy for happiness? The government believes so. Is this where the institution of government is more important than the individual it serves. Isn’t this the very definition of evil? M. Scott Peck in his book, “People of the Lie,” uses the Me Li massacre in Vietnam to explain this very point. The squad was given the command that it must survive at all cost because of the importance of the mission that lay ahead. They went into a village with this understanding and proceeded to kill anyone that posed a treat including defenseless women and children.

Instead of bullets that kill you instantly, the institutions that profit use a disinformation playbook that has been around for years or least since WWII when the government sued seventeen multinationals for conspiracy for manipulation of vitamin D pricing and amounts in over the counter supplements. Dr. William B. Grant has published his version of it at Orthomolecular.org.

(OMNS Oct 1, 2018) A “Disinformation Playbook” has been used for decades by corporations to delay government action on matters of public interest that would adversely affect their income and profit. Some well-known examples include the big tobacco companies, the coal and oil industries, the sugar industry, and the National Football League. The Union of Concerned Scientists has outlined five “pillars” of the Playbook [Disinformation Playbook], [Alvord 2017]. Big Pharma may be using the Playbook to slow the adoption of strong support for vitamin D. This article is the product of my further analysis.

The Disinformation Playbook
1. The Fake
Conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitimate research.
2. The Blitz
Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry.
3. The Diversion
Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists.
4. The Screen
Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies.
5. The Fix
Manipulate government officials or processes to influence policy inappropriately.

William B. Grant published a paper in 2009 called “In Defense of the Sun.” In the paper he shows that by just raising the level of serum vitamin D (25OHD) to 45 ng/ml, 400,000/yr. premature deaths could be stopped in the US. That is just vitamin D. What about the rest of the vitamins and minerals that we are deficient—vitamin C, magnesium, iodine, organic sulfate, zinc, vitamin B12, folate (not folic acid), and omega 3 fats. That is just the beginning of health. When is science going to admit that the placebo effect or the mind/body connection is just as powerful as most drugs that are on the market? Living longer and feeling better should be our goal. Otherwise, a strong economy is just that and cannot bring happiness because of illness. –Mark Pegram

The Fountain of Youth, Metadichol?

INSERT CLOTHOClotho is one of the three Greek fates that are responsible for the thread of life in Greek mythology. Clotho is known as the spinner of the thread while the others draw out and cut. In our understanding of physiology, we have named the gene responsible for reduced chronic disease—Klotho. The up regulation of klotho appears to significantly reduce chronic disease. A few to consider are cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and coronary artery disease. Have we stumbled unto the gene that is responsible for the fountain of youth?

The klotho gene appears to be regulated by constituents of the vitamin D family, especially the vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR). In the past, DR. P. R. Raghavan has shown that Metadichol acts to regulate VDR. In the paper, “Metadichol a Novel Agonist of the Anti-aging Klotho Gene in Cancer Cell Lines,” it is shown how Metadichol up regulates klotho in pancreatic cancer cells by as much as ten-fold against controls. Here is the link to the paper: METADIHCOL-KLOTHO

Here is the paper abstract:


Klotho is an anti-aging protein that is mostly secreted by the kidneys, the brain, and the thyroid. It plays a significant role in regulating kidney function and vascular health. Klotho gene is named after “the Spinner” (Clotho from Greek mythology), the goddess who spins the thread of life. Klotho is a transmembrane protein known to be a co-receptor for Fibroblast Growth Factor-23. Klotho gene is expressed in a variety of tissues changes in the levels are associated with many diseases. Klotho is a tumor suppressor in breast cancer and its expression is reduced in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and treatment with klotho inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.

Growing evidence suggests that an increase in Klotho (KL) expression may be beneficial for age-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis and diabetes. It remains a challenge today to induce Klotho expression. Herein we show that treating pancreatic cancer cells PANC1, MIAPACA and COLO-205 with Metadichol® a novel food-based lipid emulsion of long chain alcohols at picogram/ml, concentration led to a 4 to10 fold increase in Klotho expression as seen quantitative RT-PCR. These results suggest the use of Metadichol® given its constituents that are present in foods we consume every day is a novel therapeutic intervention for pancreatic cancer and other diseases.

The importance of vitamin D and common food compounds like the long chain alcohol lipids that comprise Metadichol is once again shown. We did not have to spend years in Florida looking for the fountain of youth. I bet Ponce de Leon would be very jealous. –Pandemic Survivor.

Improved Longevity with Metadichol

Life Ext

Scientist at ETH Zurich and the Jena Hospital in Germany completed a study of over 40,000 genes and identified 30 that allowed for extended life span in worms, fish, and mice. Many of the genes extended life span by around 5%, but there was one gene that extended life by up to 25%: BCAT1.  Here’s the story.  It has long been a quest for humankind to extend life.  Here is a story of the Ponce de Leon’s of our era. There are several compounds that have been identified that impact the BACT1 gene.  A study is ongoing for the popular diabetes drug, Metformin, to extend life. To clarify, the BACT1 gene is responsible for catabolism of branched chain amino acids (BCAA).

When Metadichol (a nano version of policosanol) was compared to gabapentin and policosanol it was found to be 3000 times more effective than gabapentin in its impact on the BCAT1 gene.  Here is a link (pdf) to the paper “Improving Longevity with Metadichol by Inhibiting the BCAT1 Gene” for download Metadichol-BCAT1-paper .

It seems that the truth of extending life lies in the idea of having the least number of illnesses during your life.  I wrote an article about this some six years prior:  Filling Good, Looking Better.  In my reading, I think I came across this idea from Linus Pauling during the 70s in his book, “How to Live Longer and Feel Better.” Ideally, it is not just about extending life, the best solution is to have a healthy, vibrant life. Pauling promoted many ideas about how to be healthy (and by-the-way won two Nobel Prizes).  His largest push that he is remembered for is vitamin C.  His promotion of vitamin C has now been supported by modern research. However, he also promoted healthy eating and the reduction of sugar consumption, now a very modern idea.  He even did a study on prisoners to show that it was sugar and not fat that drove up cholesterol.  Long life by reducing disease appears to be the case for BCAAs as they impact your health on many levels.

The idea of extending life by reducing disease gets exciting when considering Metadichol. It appears to reduce disease on many different levels that just happen to include the metabolism of BCAA. Here are the many articles that I have written about Metadichol.  The beauty of Metadichol is that it is a food substance and not a drug and has no known side effects.

The idea is not to just extend your life span, it is to have a happy, healthy, and vibrant life.  To accomplish this: It is about understanding your emotions and living in flow; it is about eating a healthy diet that eliminates flour, sugar, and other processed foods; it is about getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals that are much higher than the RDAs of our government; it is about eliminating environmental toxins like nicotine, mercury, and the salt substitute MSG; and it is about eliminating the side effects from prescription drugs (In other words, stay healthy and don’t take prescription drugs).  To your healthy life that will allow you to live to 120 years old. –Pandemic Survivor 

Nutrition First and Correct Medical Insurance!

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial medical insurance complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”  –Dwight D. Eisenhower

Spending on Security: US Military Spending 3.5% of GDP, US Health Insurance Spending 7.9% GDP (with approximately 11% of Americans still uninsured), Medical Providers and Pharmacy 9.6% GDP

There are thirty countries in the world that have a longer life expectancy than the US.  Most of these countries practice nutrition first.  Our food pyramid is upside down. Here and here.  Medical practice uses drugs and surgery as the first line of defense against disease.  This works very well for acute maladies, but for chronic disease, it is a terrible practice.  Symptoms of chronic disease are treated without the root cause being remedied.

How have we come to an understanding that is not science, but government policy?  “It’s the economy, stupid,” says James Carville.  This desire for a healthy economy has driven us to a population that is ill with chronic disease and obesity.  This is great for the medical economy and health insurance economy, but very bad for the health of the individual.  Government has made policies that support the economy and not the health of the individual.

Who is the primary driver at fault in this car wreck that is crushing our health and economy?  It is the medical insurance industry.  Now, that sounds like a jump, but this institution is wrecking us and government is going along so as not to crash the economy.  The medical economy has led us to a huge national debt and the insurance companies are the primary driver. Why the insurance companies?

In 1928 my mother and father were having their first child.  The doctor rushed to our home as is typical in a country environment; babies were birth at home.  There was no insurance.  My father paid the doctor directly for his services.  He gave the doctor two hams, a twenty-five-pound bag of flour, and twenty dollars.  This translates into about five hundred and forty dollars in today’s currency.  Now we pay the insurance companies and the insurance company pays the bill.  Of course, minus deductibles and co-pays which we still have to pay directly. We do have better healthcare for birthing with prenatal care, postpartum care, and neonatal care.  Adding up all the medical cost surrounding a new baby gives us a cost of about $8,800 today.

Medical Cost 2

My research has found that up to half of medical expenses are administrative fees.  Most of that belongs to the insurance companies. Best approximation is that of every dollar you give to the insurance companies only fifty-five cents comes back to medical providers and pharmacy.  Without the insurance companies’ involvement, the cost of a new baby should be about $5,000 or about ten times the cost of 1928. This is approximately what medical providers actually get. The rest of the money goes to insurance for “health security.” The operation of medical insurance agrees with most business’ theory, that a company has forty percent internal cost, forty percent external cost, and twenty percent gross margin.  After general, selling, and administrative, there is about a five to seven percent profit margin with the government getting as large portion that in taxes.

As with any company, the growth of market size is critical to the health of the company.  As the disease state of Americans goes up, the medical spending increases and the cost of insurance increases proportionately.  Now hospitals are struggling as insurance companies drive up the cost of insurance to employees and play games with reimbursements for managed care. As the prices of pharmaceuticals and managed care increase, so does the cost of insurance.  This never ending loop of increases is rushing us forward into economic doom where we will no longer be able to support our national debt.  Hospitals have merged so as to have better leverage on the insurance companies, and this has only led to less competition in the market place.  This is to say nothing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which does not fully kick in until 2017.  Now we see many insurance companies already opting out of the ACA. It is not our fault scream the medical insurance companies.  In effect, it truly is the problem of government policy corruption. 

I remember well March 2010 when President Obama was in the process of signing the ACA.   I had gone home for lunch and flipped on the TV not knowing that it would cause me indigestion.  There on CSPAN was a reporter that stuck the microphone into the face of the new Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.  Charles Rangel had just stepped down after being charged with corruption and Sander Levin was the acting chair.

“Has the committee consider single payer healthcare insurance?” the reporter asked.  There wasn’t even a pause.

“I don’t think the country could stand the loss of five million jobs in the present economy,” Levin responded.  He snapped around in a military square and marched off before any follow-up questions could be asked. This began my research into medical cost that arrived at the above conclusions. I quickly imagined the median salary for medical insurance employees at about $70.000/yr.   The annual loss of $350 billion dollars in jobs to the economy would be hard road to follow.  If you used the same method as was used in accounting for the ACA, that would be a ten-year loss of 3.5 trillion to the economy.  After all, the industrial segment of the economy had been decimated, the housing market was a disaster, and we had just bailed out the banks. We certainly would not want to damage the economy with a change in medical insurance.

Government policy in the healthcare market segment has driven us to disastrous results. Don’t get me wrong.  I am a capitalist and don’t believe in the government taking over general business. However, when you combine giving the medical insurance companies state monopolies, when government practices poor policy for food, when you guarantee increased market size with the ACA, and when the HHS practices markets before mandates (your health suffers so that the economy can be sustained), you end up with a large ill-health market that the general population cannot afford.   Now that the Supreme Court has declared penalties for not having insurance as a tax, it is not too great a leap to declare all medical insurance as a tax.  That would make our taxes-well-just stupidly high.

I now believe that the ACA was a mechanism to ward off the insurance companies lobby in the hopes that medical insurance would collapse into single payer like the rest of economically similar countries.  We currently have one of the highest tax rates in the world.  If we look at Canada where healthcare is taken from their taxes, why is our healthcare cost almost double that of Canada.  When you add in health insurance as a tax, it truly is an unappealing number with a tax rate that is about double the rest of the world.  Whatever happened to common sense?

And then there is the suffering of chronic disease that is extremely high in the US.  Consider heart disease in Japan and Greece that is five times less than the rest of the world.  You know our scientist are smart enough to figure out why (sulfur deficiency and vitamin D).  Japan, Greece, and Iceland all have very low heart disease rates believed to be from the abundance of sulfur in the soil as each sits on volcanic riffs.

Markets before mandates is killing us both physically and from an economic perspective.  If we don’t start practicing nutrition first and correct medical insurance, the US is doomed. What happened to the days when you paid the doctor directly with a couple of hams, a bag of flour, and a few bucks?  Bring on medical insurance that is national and not a state monopoly, and give the population medical bank accounts that pass through from generation to generation without taxes.  Expand Medicaid for the less fortunate as it already has under the ACA. Medicare should not be handled by a third party (more government corruption), the insurance companies.  Of most importance is to get the science right for chronic disease in the practice of medicine.  It might be a short term correction for the medical industry, but let the markets decide without government interference. Certainly I would not have suffered for three decades with pain from chronic disease. Decades of pain brought on by bad government policy and greedy insurers that require me to give up health freedom for security or else. Collectively, we have arrived at Ben Franklin and Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings.  –Pandemic Survivor

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”  –Benjamin Franklin

Nutrients and Lifestyle for Pain

Your muscles ache, your joints scream in debilitation, and your head feels like it is about to explode.  What is the path to relief?  It may be a visit to your doctor and drugs.  But this is not the long term solution.  The long term solution is nutrition with an adequate amount and correct type of protein, fats, vitamins, plant enzymes, and minerals, and a change in lifestyle eliminating processed foods, sugar, flour, and toxins. It is only through faith, hope, forgiveness, and courage that this can be achieved. The tangled web of information that we now receive about health, can be very discouraging.


Pain is a symptom of an injury, chronic disease, acute disease, allergies, and many other maladies.  It can present itself as excruciating and debilitating pain or simply as an itch.  The medical profession uses a scale of one to ten to describe pain.  This is not a very effective method unless the doctor questioning you has a full history of prior pain.  For example, when I had a ruptured appendix, the pain prior to the rupture was an eight on my pain scale.  A bruised coccyx bone from a farm injury was a ten at that time.  Now, my spinal cord being compressed seventy percent in the lumbar region ranks is a ten.  My ten is unlike anything you have ever experienced because it was severe and continuous.  I suffered some form of chronic pain for three decades because of degenerative disc disease.  This now makes the ruptured appendix a four on my pain scale. 

Pain can become an enemy of health as it causes a disruption of your nervous system as well as an effect on mood and hormone production.  This is the reason that many people with chronic severe pain decide to put an end to it all.  This is not the path.  The path to health is through proper nutrition and life style. The problem with our present medical system is that they treat the pain with meds and not necessarily the disease that is the origin of the pain.  This is especially true for chronic disease.  Our food system is poor because foods that are processed are not always healthy for our body.  The most destructive are sugar, flour, and artificial sweeteners as these things totally disrupt your endocrine system. Of course there are always the many toxins that are in our foods and water supply like lead, fluoride, bromide, mercury, glyphosate, pesticides, organics from plastics, and bactericides (chlorine or chloramine) in our public water supply.  The average person consumes pounds of pesticides and of herbicides each year from our food.

The vitamins and minerals needed to reduce and prevent pain are not to be considered as one vitamin or one mineral. They work synergistically in the body to maintain homeostasis. Vitamins and minerals along with the macronutrients are the foundation of health.  Macronutrients include: water, oxygen, protein, carbohydrates, light, and fats. Our medical profession points to drugs for healing instead of nutrients first. If the effort and research that we have done over the last one hundred years had been pointed to our food system and nutrients, we would be an extremely healthy population.  The major error in our research is specialization without considering the whole body first. This specialization of one drug or a multiple of drugs for an illness leads to side effects that are very destructive to health. Recent news has stated that medical misadventure is now the number three cause of death.

When was the last time you went to a doctor about a chronic disease and he asked you about your eating habits?  Oh, he may ask you if you use tobacco or drink heavily, but that is about it. This leaves you on your own to decide if your lifestyle is causing your pain.  The doctor’s solution through government fiat is to recommend pain meds and/or other drugs.  The doctor’s hands are tied and he cannot practice medicine as an art.  The faux science has been egregious in its efforts to maintain the medical economy.  The physician can only practice medicine through drugs, radiation, and surgery as required by our medical insurance and Health and Human Services and the many departments under that umbrella. The good news is we are slowly moving toward holistic and integrative medicine.  There have been many schools that have opened in the last three decades specifically to train doctors in these methods.

It has taken me twenty years and about ten thousand hours of reading to determine what works for me.  Doctor have saved me from many acute experiences with disease and pain.  However, it is only when I started to get enough of the correct nutrients that my body healed. This is now a constant and ongoing process as I age.  What worked for me when I was fifty is now different at sixty-five. I just don’t think that the average person has the capabilities, curiosity, resources, hope, and faith to continue the effort required for health. I have been blessed with all of these.  Also the understanding that much of what you read my just lead you down the wrong path.  Our institutions have contributed to this misadventure by specialization as stated earlier, and ignoring the science that we have if it is not economically acceptable.  This science has been paid for through your tax dollars and ignored by institutions and especially governments.  It can be a hard decision to make if improved health of the population sends us into economic depression that has its own social ills like starvation. Certainly with our many think tanks, we should be able to work our way through this tangle of decisions.  However, if you are the one in pain, it just makes you disturbed that your doctors cannot make you well.

Of course death is the ultimate outcome of your life.  Death should come with only a few months of debilitation, not decades of pain and despair. See post on morbidity: Looking Good, Feeling Better We are meant to live a healthy life.  With our resources in medicine, science, and art, there is no reason that we should not have this luxury. Getting an adequate amount and correct type of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals is a tangled web of lies that is difficult to overcome.  Don’t despair, there are resources that are available, but you have to have the will, courage, and hope to pursue them on your own. There is relief from pain–be your own researcher and depend only on those that you can trust. I am living, happy proof of a pain free life–Pandemic Survivor
©2016 Mark Pegram

My Heart Aches — Vitamin D vs. Measles Vaccine

There has been one death from measles since 2003, but how many deaths have there been because of poor nutrition since 2003 or just vitamin D deficiency alone? Relax, kick back, and consider the possibilities as you read.

Life Balance

My heart aches as I think of the thousands that are dying premature deaths. Preventable death, our medical profession says, is worth the money. In fact, many of the life-saving drugs have been only able to extend life by a few months, weeks, and even days, but has the death rate really decreased from chronic disease? Dying people are asked to make the decision. The decision usually is about spending the money in trade for a few days of “quality” life. What if the question was not about the money, but only if you have the proper nutrition. When offering a dying friend or relative nutrition, you get treated by the medical profession as if you are about to perform a criminal act. Your response to this onslaught is that your cared-for-loved one was just thirsty and you wanted to give them a class of water.

We have reached a breaking point in our understanding of life versus what is important for the greater good. Science and technology have moved along. Unfortunately, greed has remained the same in our culture forever. Knowledge of how to save life has been hidden and manipulated for the greater good as determined by our institutions. The population is believed to be too stupid to understand the importance of maintaining an active economy, and a manipulated economy, which has put us in debt for trillions of dollars, almost to the point of failure like Greece. Greed shows up in crafty ways to hide the theft from the people of both life and money.

We don’t want it to be about the money and increase the amount of insurance that we have. We want the security of knowing that whatever disease is stalking us, we have the means to provide the best available. Hidden from us is what is the best available for health and wealth of the individual. Healthcare is always about an expensive new drug, or because it is no longer readily available, even an expensive old drug; always trying to manipulate supply and demand to get the highest margins available. I had a relative that was dying from cancer and it was obvious that he only had a few days or hours at best. He had already started the death rattle as my Dad used to say. The doctor’s response was to offer him a drug that was used regularly in the 1960s, but now was not readily available. The cost of the drug was $50,000 per day. You just can’t make this stuff up. The doctor knew my relative had means and was willing to offer him an imagined time of a few weeks or days of quality life. My relative’s response to this was, “Holy Moly!” Even on his deathbed, he knew he was being scammed.

It is time to take back both our health and financial resources. We have gone too long with the understanding the security of health insurance is more important than our understanding of nutrition. Now it may be hard for you to hold two seemingly unlike things in balance. How can we balance medical/medical insurance industrial complex with nutrition? The interesting thing is our institutions have done that for you because of their belief that you are too stupid to understand. As kept cows, you keep repeating, “Thank you master.” The master treats you with great care while at the same time reaching into your pocket and taking your wallet. Yes, I have just described a mugging. The medical complex gets about half of every dollar you spend on health care and the health insurance complex gets about half. This way, they become equal partners in crime so that one does not rat out the other. Don’t get me wrong. I think we have the best emergency medical system in the world and I’m very grateful for that. If not, I wouldn’t be alive from a ruptured appendix, hypoxia from sleep apnea (which I’ve cured with supplements), two back surgeries to keep me from being paralyzed (I avoided several more with supplements), multiple infections, and two heat strokes.

We recently had the first death from measles in the US since 2003. Think about all of the press you have read about forced measles vaccines and people’s rights to refuse the vaccine. Hold this in opposition to the very inexpensive supplementation of vitamin D. The IOM said 600 IU/d was all that you need in 2010. In November 2014, it was found, when using the same data as the IOM, that they had made a statistical error. The correct amount should have been over 7,000 IU/d as confirmed by three universities. Epidemiologists have said that all we need to stop 37,000 premature deaths in Canada per year is a 25(OH)D level above 40 ng/ml (about 3,000 more IU/d than the present intake from all sources [estimated from grassrootshealth.net chart]) . If we generalize the Canadian deaths for the US population, it is about 400, 000 premature deaths per year for North America.

Where is the press on this issue? How many premature deaths have there been since November 2014 when the error was found? How many premature deaths have there been since 2010 when the error was made? How would all of this affect the health economy since 2010 (generalizing for North America from the above referenced paper, about $150 billion per year or about $750 billion in reduced cost minus the cost of supplementation and two million premature deaths)? Was it really an error? What about the combination of vitamins and minerals? How far off is the recommendation for all supplements and the combination of supplements? My heart aches for those who don’t understand nutrition. My heart aches for the doctors (I really feel for the doctors who are swimming along comfortably as in a school of fish.) who were taught that vitamins and minerals will not cure, prevent, treat, or diagnose disease (On how many supplement bottles have you seen that statement?). Moreover, the US press doesn’t think there is a story here as they worry about one death from measles in the US since 2003 and whether you have been vaccinated.

If you are concerned about this issue, do what I have done – contact your congressional representative. Here is a link to help you find your representative or http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/. Visiting in person is better than a written letter or an email if you would like to take the time. After all, the purpose of the House is to hear the voice of the people. Below is my constituent request. Feel free to print a copy and its links to take to your representative. – Pandemic Survivor

Constituent Request to Representative Mark Walker:
The Department of HHS needs to be investigated by Congress for not quickly responding to the finding that the RDA for vitamin D, as established by the Institute of Medicine (National Academy of Medicine as of July 1), was off by a factor of more than 10. This tragic error may have resulted in as much as hundreds of thousands premature deaths per year and has added a significant burden to the health economy.

  1. J. Veugelers, PhD, Health Canada and the University of Alberta, first reported this error in a published peer reviewed journal paper in November 2014. It was confirmed in a published paper by UCSD and Creighton University in February 2015. To my knowledge, the IOM or HHS or its agencies have taken no action. More details: Dr. Robert Heaney http://blogs.creighton.edu/heaney/2015/02/13/the-iom-miscalculated-its-rda-for-vitamin-d/

The vitamin D market has been manipulated for the profit of the health industry since the 1930s (see attached article for details – Vitamin D for Profits – 1923 to 1946). Fear of the sun has caused a huge decline in health in the US. It is now time to take action to stop the immorality of sustaining and growing the largest segment of the economy from the illness of individuals (see attached Advocacy Letter from Allan Markin ).

The Vitamin D Council – Dr. John Cannell – www.vitamindcouncil.org
SUNARC: Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center. Website of vitamin D expert Dr. William Grant  www.sunarc.org
GrassrootsHealth – Carrole Baggerly, Founder, Presentations by over fifty researchers and doctors. http://www.grassrootshealth.net/
University California Riverside – About Vitamin D http://vitamind.ucr.edu/about.html
Vitamin D Wiki – research on vitamin D compiled by Henry Lahore http://www.VitaminDWiki.com

Amazing Media Reports or Popular Press Propaganda

This Labor Day weekend, I was alarmed by the media reports about life extension and supplements and a new drug development. First the new drug development that startled me as it sounded a lot like a vitamin D analog.

I was watching Fox News on Monday morning. Yes I know, if you have a liberal political persuasion you have already labeled me and not consider reading further. There was an interview with a doctor about a new drug that would significantly reduce heart disease and also significantly reduce all-cause mortality. It will likely be approved by the end of the year. This sounds a very fast track. A very fast track is a good thing if there are no side effects, a low number needed to treat, NNT, and we can put an end to heart disease. The drug had not been named which was another surprise to me. What really got me going was the description of how it acted. Here is the print article from Fox News.

It was not only reported to reduce heart disease, it was also stated that it would significantly increase life expectancy. Why was I alarmed? It sounded like vitamin D3. First there was the interview with a Dr. Joseph Prendergast from about 2007 where he reported that he had been extremely successful in treating heart disease with vitamin D3 and L-arginine. He said in the interview that he had been so successful that a three physician cardiology practice in the same town that he practice had moved to another town because of lack of business. He had treated more than four thousand patients. Then there is the description by Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist and author of the book “Wheat Belly”, that claims in his practice there are not anymore emergency calls from his patients. He says that he used a variety of nutrients with Vitamin D being a very important one. And then I remembered all the published papers on how vitamin D3 significantly reduces heart disease collected by Henry Lahore at VitaminDWiki.    Cardiovascular Disease  Also the many articles at the Vitamin D Council related to cardiovascular disease and vitamin D3.  And on and on.

What is more alarming is the NNT, before a positive outcome, the prevention of death. “About 32 people would need to be treated with the new drug to prevent one death from heart-related causes. “ This description does not sound as if the drug is effective as just plain vitamin D3 that can be purchased over the counter. This sounds significantly different that the experience of Dr. Prendergast and Dr. Davis and the multiple of medical papers published on the subject.   As a society, are we so set in maintaining the medical economy that doctors cannot tell people that vitamin D is very significant in the course of heart disease? When other specific nutrients are added and changes in diet, heart disease could be a thing of the past.

The second report was on CBS 60 Minutes. They had a segment on research with the aging of what extended life and what did not. It was very educational and interesting until Leslie Stahl asked about supplements. The answer was no, there was not any significant reduction of death with supplements. She then asked a much scripted question. No help from vitamin E? No. No help with vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. No. No help with a multiple vitamin? No. Notice the order of vitamins not to take the listener to vitamin D as they were not in alphabetical order. Also note that the question was not asked about vitamin D. There was a bottle of vitamin D3 plainly on display in the cabinet. Plainly getting the viewer to believe that vitamin D3 has no affect without stating. Subliminal communication at its best! There are papers stating that life expectancy could be extended by seven or more years with higher levels of vitamin D3? Mortality and Vitamin D3

Propaganda delivered at its very best! – Pandemic Survivor