New Nutraceutical, Metadichol® – Breathtaking Results!

“One good nutraceutical can wipe out the drugs.” Dr. Stephen De Felice

As a regular reader, you have seen several post of the new form of policosanol as a small droplet emulsion, brand name, Metadichol®. (Historic Breakthrough in Health – A Natural Alternative to Vitamin D) This natural substance appears to present a new model for how healing should occur in the body. As a natural substance formed on sun splashed portions of plants, it appears to act in the body very similar to vitamin D. This is a claim in the one of the many patents covering Metadichol®. As you know, you cannot patent a natural substance; however, the novelty is the small droplet that easily absorbs into the body and blood stream where it can become active in cells.

Some of the claims in the patent for healing are as follows: malaria, acne, eczema, ganglion, lipoma, MRSA, wound healing, fungal infections, psoriasis, hair growth, wrinkles, kidney disease, regulates glucose, insulin resistance, Diabetes type 2, Cholesterol, improved lipid profiles, hypertension, kidney disease, heart disease, reduced protein oxidation or oxidative stress, TNF a – significant immune system function, and increases serum vitamin C.

This product has only been on the market since the last part of 2014 in Southeast Asia. The reports coming from that area are amazing in the variety and healing of many diseases. The amazing thing has been no side effects. Of course, since it can be found of most foods, there should be no side effects. This appears to fall into the first rule of medicine, do no harm. When I was first approach by the discoverer, I thought – yeah, yeah another nut found a way to make money. Now after two months, I am truly amazed at the results from my own experience.

My own experience was first the amazement that the pain from my wife’s shingles went away in just a couple of days. It is interesting to note that her primary care physician had identified the rash as shingles along the C3-C4 dermatome. My wife has experienced shingles before that went on for over six months. After four weeks, there was still some redness and my wife went to see a dermatologist who is a friend of the family (I may have instigated this visit because of my prior communication with the dermatologist about Metadichol®). The dermatologist said that it was not shingles, primarily because it had gone away so fast and the apparent appearance of the remaining rash. She described it as a rash of unknown origin. I suspect this type of healing is unfamiliar to the dermatologist.

As for myself, I had a hemorrhoid that shrank overnight after an application of Metadichol®. Also, I treated a wound that I had received from cutting wood. It healed very quickly without a scab formation which I found extremely interesting. After about four weeks of using Metadichol®, there were red formations on my arm and leg. They appeared to be like large pimples or a formation of a colony of bacteria that looked similar to the appearance of MRSA that I had five years ago. After a few days of treatment with the Metadichol®, the redness disappeared. I now wonder if these areas were not colonies of pathogens trying to escape from the action of the Metadichol®. Also, the lipomas are shrinking on our 13 year old dog. We simply spray a couple of sprays on her food every day. We tried to treat a lick granuloma on the dog’s leg. This appeared to work well for a couple of weeks, but the dog started to lick again and the inflammation still exists. We have not tried to increase the dose for the dog. Also intermittent treatment may be an issue as well.

The mechanisms for how the substance works is not truly understood. Dr. Raghavan, the discoverer believes that there is some form of communication that appears to give intelligence to the action of Metadichol®. He has tried the formulation with synthetic components of policosanol and it does not work. He believes that it may be plant and microbial DNA that gets extracted along with the policosanol. It would be interesting if the Metadichol® is also renewing the health of our microbiome and homeostasis is reached in the body through this symbiotic relationship. The consideration of how it may possibly work because of DNA that comes over is daunting when considering the amounts of GMO foods that we are now consuming.

There are to be publications about Metadichol® that will appear over the next several months. This will include information on how our genome reacts and treatment of some very serious diseases. It will be interesting the response of the medical and research communities. – Pandemic Survivor

“Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple, or more direct than does Nature— because in her inventions, nothing is lacking— and nothing is superfluous.” Leonardo da Vinci