Enhanced Development of Stem Cells with Metadichol

3D Stem CellsMy first experience with Metadichol was the quick healing of a wound. A wild cherry tree had fallen in the woods behind my house. I had sawed the tree into fire size logs and stacked them in a pile. As I threw one of the logs onto the pile, it caught the back of my hand and caused a two-inch-long cut. I treated the cut with the Metadichol spray. The healing took place twice as fast as my normal experience with cuts. I suspected then that somehow stem cells must have been increased or differentiated or both by the Metadichol for the quick healing (A future article will show two examples of healing with Metadichol from my personal experience.) Dr. P. R. Raghavan has had research done by Skanda Labs to show that stem cells are increased in umbilical cord blood when treated with Metadichol.

The research paper, Metadichol and CD34 Expression in Umbilical Cord Blood, is published in the Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy on January 29, 2018. CD34 is a marker for the action of stem cells in many types of cells within the body. During the study, an increase of CD34 protein was shown with the application of Metadichol. Injection of CD34 enriched hematopoietic stem cells have been clinically used for treating spinal cord injury, cirrhosis and peripheral vascular disease. Link to paper as PDF: Metadichol-CD34

There are many types of stem cells within human biology. The two basic classes are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The ability of Metadichol to enhance the development of and the differentiation into a variety cells is critical to healing. This may mean that Metadichol can be used in many different cases of disease to promote healing. Metadichol is simply a nanoemulsion of policosanol or a food substance. Policosanol is a waxy alcohol that is found of many plants which we use for food. There are no known side effects with the food, policosanol.

Science is now using genetic manipulation to help in the development of stems cells. The result is the possibility of rejection of the developed cells and serious side effects. Destruction of cells in the attempts to heal cancer has required the replacement of healthy cells. This has been done typically by using the person’s cells and genetically manipulating them and replacing them in the body. Earlier and current attempts in replacing cells have been done through transplants from donors as in bone marrow transplants. Also, cord blood is now being frozen by some for future use in healing because of the concentration of stem cells.

This is very exciting news. The development of a natural substance used for healing confirms the fact that “Food is medicine and medicine is food.” Thanks for reading. –Mark Pegram

Other Post (22) on Metadichol: https://pandemicsurvivor.com/category/metadichol/

Resources and Useful Links:

Human Production of Vitamin C

Human C

I had reported early the finding of Dr. P. R. Raghavan for increased levels of vitamin C in diabetes cases when treated with Metadichol. (Metadichol Induces High Levels of Vitamin C) It appears that the increase was activation of the gene responsible for making the enzyme necessary for the completion of vitamin C production.  This was based on the findings of Dr. Raghavan’s gene studies. This is true in animal studies not yet proved in Humans as the GULO gene is non-functional. Does Metadichol activate the dormant GULO gene in humans despite it being mutated? Studies provided by Skanda Life Sciences shows that Metadichol does activate the gene responsible for the missing enzyme in mouse studies. “Metadichol, Vitamin C, and GULO Gene Expression in Mouse Adipocytes” Link to PDF Metadichol-Vitamin-C-Gulo The loss of production for vitamin C in humans and not in other animals is a mystery.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has shown a remarkable ability to reduce disease. Benefits include the prevention and treatment of scurvy, common cold, boost the immune system, lower hypertension, treatment of lead toxicity, cataracts, treatment of cancer, stroke, elasticity of skin, wound healing, and asthma. Metadichol® has shown it can help maintain high levels of plasma vitamin C without oral supplementation of vitamin C. Metadichol® is a nanoemulsion of policosanol or the waxy substance that is found in high concentration on the sunny parts of plants.

Vitamin C is so important to immune health that without it we would soon die of scurvy. Sailors in past centuries developed the disease because of the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits. The British used limes to provide vitamin C and the Germans used sauerkraut (Thus, the associated nicknames). Recently a physician in Norfolk Virginia found that he could treat septic shock (deadly blood infection) with vitamin C, thiamine, and hydrocortisone. The physician has had only one death after treatment of 150 patients. This shows the significance of how important vitamin C is to the immune system, and may explain how Metadichol works so effectively on so many different diseases.

Metadichol boosts the immune system in many other ways. One of the more important ones is how it affects the action of the vitamin D receptors. The vitamin D receptor acts like a conductor of the orchestra for other nuclear receptors. One very important action of the receptors is the making of antimicrobial peptides that are killer cells for all pathogens. Vitamin C supports many of the functions of neutrophils. Neutrophils (white blood cells), another important immune system function, ultimately converts to various types of killer cells that hunt down pathogens.

Vitamin C also has a role in stem cell production as well as collagen folding. This makes Metadichol very significant in wound healing. Treating and preventing infection and acting in wound repair. It is truly amazing how this one substance can act in so many ways. Collagen is useless without folding of the molecule. Because of the folding of collagen, vitamin C is also very important for building strong bones. Thanks for reading­­–Mark Pegram

More Resources:

Effects of Vitamin C on Neutrophil Function: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17235150
Other articles about Metadichol and research papers: https://pandemicsurvivor.com/category/metadichol/