Magnesium – Heart Arrhythmias – Mardy Fish?

Deficiency disease from poor nutrition that leads to chronic disease is one of the least addressed issues in modern medicine.  When a problem arises, modern medicine looks for everything but an issue with the person’s diet and nutrition.  Now there have been so many people that have in essence healed themselves by just changing their diet, it is time for a change in the culture of treatment.  With lots of fun tools for doctors, the thought of addressing simple deficiencies is mundane.  First prescribe the drugs quinidine, lidocane, propranol, or amiodarone and on and on with no success.  Do a heart catheterization along with a heart ablation or maybe even open heart with an ablation which is even more fun.  “That arrhythmia was fixed by scarring the muscle that was causing the issue.  We just kill off that sucker – it was a structural problem.”  The conversation in the doctor’s lounge then turns to what is happening with the yacht on the Chesapeake.

There have been so many people that I know that have healed their arrhythmia with magnesium that it is just amazing to me.  Why is not asking the person with the heart issue what their diet is like be the very first question out of the doctor’s mouth.  “Oh hell, people are going to have bad habits and there is nothing you can do about it – did you see the speed I got when I raised my second sail?  Here, just try several of these drugs first for you jumpy heart and we will go from there.”

As a first course take 400 mg of magnesium as a chelate twice a day, be sure to eat lots of greens to get enough potassium, and let’s try three cups of sulfur containing vegetables per day or 1000 mg of MSM per fifty pounds of body weight to be sure you are getting enough sulfur to move the waste products out of your heart muscle.  We will also do a 25(OH)D to be sure you are getting enough vitamin D.  We will then evaluate your heart to see if your condition has changed.  The first day on magnesium and the heart arrhythmia is gone.  By US law, magnesium, greens, and cabbage become drugs.  Food is medicine and is much better at healing than killing off part of the heart because the muscle is not acting right.

When I was in college, I played tennis for two to three hours every day to relieve the stress.  After several years of this, I noticed that when I rested, I would get ‘jumpyness’ in my heart.  This scared the dodo out of me the first few times that it happened and it would come and go.  After I got out of college and started to eat better, it just went away.  And now I hear that Mardy Fish has had a heart catheterization and ablation it makes me wonder.  Mardy, did any of your doctors ask if you had been getting enough magnesium? – Pandemic Survivor