Pathogen Uses of Cloaking Devices Disrupted

Pathogen CloakingIn the much-watched Star Trek program, the dastardly Klingons would cloak their ships so that they were invisible to the USS Enterprise. In the human body, pathogens also cloak themselves to be invisible, seem like sugar or a food, by using sialic acids. Sialic acids are common on the cells of vertebrates and are the highest concentration in the brain. The immune system will not attack pathogens with sialic acid attached because they appear as a natural part of the human system. Dr. P. R. Raghavan has found that Metadichol, by expressing the CD33 gene, allows binding of these acids so that the immune system can disrupt the pathogen.
There have been many papers published on human healing by Dr. Raghavan that include increase in stem cells, reduction of diabetes, and general well being realized with the use of Metadichol. The finding of the binding of sialic acid with the expression of CD33 and the increase in stem cells explains the healing of wounds quickly when using Metadichol.
Below is a recently published paper by Dr. Raghavan on this topic. Metadichol acts to up regulate or down regulate CD33 depending on signaling mechanisms in human physiology.

Metadichol® and CD33 Expression in Umbilical Cord Cells

CD33 also known as Siglec-3 is endogenously expressed in stem cells and is a marker for the myeloid lineage of cells. Increased expression of CD33 thus allows it to bind to any Sialic Acids (SIAs). These acids are binding sites for pathogens and toxins. By binding to these acids, CD33 can prevent invasion of hosts by these pathogens. Down-regulation of CD33, increase the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α by monocytes that increases reactive oxygen species that are involved in diseases like diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular diseases asthma, and in various cancers.
     The up-regulation of CD33 using Metadichol® was studied using Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) isolated from human umbilical cord and were grown in p-35 dishes until confluent and treatment was carried out with different concentrations. One dish was untreated and considered as control. The treated and untreated cells were analyzed using Flow Cytometry. The cells treated at 100 pg of Metadichol® has shown the highest increase (>400 fold) in CD33++ expression (48.77%) compared to untreated control (0.11%).
Link to paper: CD33-paper
This paper may be difficult to digest. However, that should not stop you from using Metadichol for whatever ails you. This is a link for the 29 articles with links to Dr. Raghavan’s papers that I have published on Metadichol.  –Mark Pegram

Metadichol Paper for Skin Repair

In February, I posted about the effectiveness of Metadichol for skin repair.  You can find that article here. It is amazing how it healed my skin without forming a scab. The healing occurred very quickly. Dr. P R Raghavan has published a new paper about skin. “Metadichol® and Healthy Skin: One Approach Many Possible Cures.”  It is published in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research: Raghavan, J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2018, 9:1.  Here is a link to the paper-PDF:Metadichol-Skin-applications

From the Abstract
Metadichol is the first molecule to successfully navigate around the problems involved with promiscuous ligands and targets. It fulfills the goals of the emerging field of Polypharmacology i.e a single drug is able to bind to multiple targets beyond the “one drug, one target” concept. We show how Metadichol is an innovative treatment for treating multiple skin diseases like eczema, acne, diabetic wounds viral and bacterial infection and improving skin texture. Metadichol ® is a safe nontoxic low-cost solution and is an alternative to numerous clinical candidates in combating over 3,000 skin diseases.

Don’t let the science of the paper prevent you from accessing the paper. It shows many pictures of skin disease from baseline to healing.  These are amazing pictures and well worth the time to review. In the paper, Dr. Raghavan describes the many drugs that are currently being used to heal skin. These drugs are designed for one drug, one target. Dr. Raghavan shows how Metadichol binds to multiple targets using links-and-connections diagrams. This action of binding to many targets explains how Metadichol acts to provide quick healing. With about 3,000 skin diseases, it is astounding how one compound can heal multiple diseases

Here are a couple of pictures of my own healing from the February post, article here.  I just don’t have the words to express my delight in how Metadichol works. Here are the many articles that I have posted on Metadichol.

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