Deficiency Disease in a Modern World – Part 1 Vitamins

The suggested vitamins are not meant to treat, cure, diagnose, prevent, or mitigate disease.  If the substance is so stated by a doctor, then it must be considered a drug and follow all the rules for drugs by the FDA.  Have you ever known a doctor to prescribe a vitamin to treat your disease symptoms?  I do believe this is a significant mistake by the medical community.  Please consider the following diseases and the associated cause.  If you had one of these, would you not want your doctor to tell you how to overcome them without prescribing a drug?

Pellagra:  cause vitamin B3 niacin deficiency and tryptophan deficiency

Blindness and night blindness: vitamin A deficiency

Beriberi: vitamin B deficiency or thiamin B1

Scurvy:  vitamin C deficiency

Rickets:  vitamin D deficiency

Anemia:  iron deficiency

Goiter:   and interesting disease caused by iodine deficiency

Malnutrition:  deficiency in fats and proteins

If we look at all of the vitamins and take deficiency to the worst case then we can find the following deficiency diseases and the use of vitamins for treatment of disease.

Biotin – a B complex vitamin: Hair loss, brittle nails, and scaly red rash, neurologic symptoms of depression, lethargy, hallucination, and numbness – birth defects of abnormal development of the embryo known as teratogenesis

Folic Acid – B complex vitamin: megablastic anemia or fewer large red blood cells reducing oxygen carrying resulting in fatigue weakness and shortness of breath – during pregnancy because of rapidly dividing cells folic acid deficiency leads to neural tube defects that result in spina bifida or anencephaly, both are devastating and sometimes fatal – Other birth defects that are prevented is certain types of heart defects and limb malformations.  Important roles in DNA and RNA synthesis

Niacin:  B3 or nicotinic acid has already been mention for pellagra – symptoms of pellagra include dementia, diarrhea, dermatitis, and death.  In the skin thick, scaly dark pigmented rashes.

Pantothenic acid or B5:  Numbness and painful burning in the feet.  Use of a pantothenol ointment has shown accelerated wound closure

Riboflavin or B2:  Deficiency may impair iron absorption – redness and swelling of the lips and mouth, sore throat, cracks and sores outside the lips and may include formation of blood vessels over the eyes or vascularization of the cornea – other associated diseases include – cataracts and migraine headaches

Thiamin or B1: Beriberi affects the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular, and gastrointestinal systems.

Vitamin A: Deficiency in vitamin A is the leading cause of blindness in children in developing countries.   Immune system impairment resulting in a higher incidence of infectious diseases Implicated in disease prevention of cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer – used medically to treat retinitus pigmentosa acute promyelocytic leukemia, and various skin disorders.

Vitamin B6:  severe vitamin B6 deficiency include irritability, depression, and confusion; additional symptoms include inflammation of the tongue, sores or ulcers of the mouth, and ulcers of the skin at the corners of the mouth

Vitamin B12:  Deficiency symptoms include tingling of the arms and legs, difficulty walking, memory loss, disorientation, dementia with or without mood changes.

Vitamin C: prevents Scurvy, and to some degree cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, gout, lead toxicity, and plays a role in immunity.  Has been used to treat vasodilatation, hypertension, cancer, diabetes mellitus, common cold,

Vitamin D:  Deficiency can best be described by saying that vitamin D controls in some part over 2700 genes.  Whether they are off or on can significantly impair your health in disease states that have many descriptions.  Muscle weakness, immunity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, bone growth, cartilage growth and cellular differentiation.

Vitamin E: including impaired balance and coordination (ataxia), injury to the sensory nerves (peripheral neuropathy), muscle weakness (myopathy), and damage to the retina of the eye (pigmented retinopathy). Has been used to prevent clots and too high dosage may result in hemorrhage.

Vitamin K:  Deficiency results in poor bone mineralization and impaired blood clotting.  Symptoms include, nose bleeds, bruising, bloody stools, and life threatening intracranial bleeding or another form of stroke.  Used to treat osteoporosis (Japan monitors serum levels for this purpose)

So the next time you go see your doctor with tingling feet and neuropathy, would it be better for your doctor to suggest that you get an adequate amount of B vitamins in particular B12, B6, and B5 first before prescribing a calcium channel blocker to relieve the pain?  Has the snake oil salesmen of the early twentieth century put on pharmaceutical cloths and are now protected by the government’s FDA?  Why is it necessary for senior citizens to have an average of seventeen prescriptions to treat symptoms without first being sure they are getting an adequate amount of vitamins to treat the disease?

And this is just the vitamins.  What about diseases from mineral deficiencies?  – Pandemic Survivor

REF: Most of the info on deficiencies were taken from the Linus Pauling Institute Oregon State University

For more information on vitamin D deficiency and hair loss, click here.

Grassroots Health Webinars on Vitamin D

The scientist, researchers, and doctors at Grassroots Health have been presenting webinars on vitamin D and various topics.  This is a wealth of information about how a given disease works with vitamin D as well as the interaction of calcium.

I highly encourage you to go to the website and watch and listen to the webinars.  There is a new one every Tuesday at 1PM eastern time.  Also after becoming familiar with the information, I encourage you to ask your doctor to watch, if he is giving you a hard time about supplementing with vitamin D.  It is important that you maintain your 25(OH)D level above 40 ng/ml.

If you don’t watch and listen to any of the others, I highly suggest that you watch – Why Test Vitamin D!?  The question is always – How much should I take?  This gives you and understanding that everyone responds differently to amounts.  At the Grassroots Health home page you can find a table of how to start supplementing before testing.     There is also a downloadable chart as a PDF.

Here is the link to the Video Page

  • Diabetes & Vitamin D
  • The Sun & Vitamin D I and II
  • Pregnancy & Vitamin D  I and II
  • Upper Respiratory Infections & Vitamin DI and II
  • Ethic Disparities & Vitamin D
  • Premenopausal Breast Cancer & Vitamin D
  • The Cost of Vitamin D Deficiency: In Dollars & Disease
  • Vitamin D & Calcium, Fractures, & Kidney Stones  What do we know?
  • Why Test Vitamin D!?
  • Prostate Cancer Positive Core Biopsies Reduced with Vitamin D
  • Prostate Cancer Lesions Reduced with Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D Stops Breast Cancer
  • Vitamin D & Gene Expression
  • Vitamin D & Treatment of Autism
  • Pregnancy & Vitamin D Interview
  • Alzheimer’s Prevention & Vitamin
  • Interaction of Vitamin D and Calcium
  • Vitamin D Requirements for Breast Feeding Mothers
  • Vitamin D & Breast Cancer
  • Vitamin D & Cardiovascular Disease
  • Vitamin D & The Immune System
  • Vitamin D & Cystic Fibrosis

Be well and stay healthy – Pandemic Survivor