Your Money or Your Health?

– By Mark Pegram userprofiletile

“The problem with vitamin D is it’s cheap and not patentable.”  Dr. Robert Heaney in a recent interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Robert Heaney has delivered a half truth. The real truth: the problem is not how inexpensive vitamin D; it is about the population getting well and the healthcare economy collapsing. Vitamin D is the number one most important nutritional item for health and wellness as science has shown since the 1930s. The government now has funded the largest segment of the US economy from the economics of illness without empathy for the pain and suffering. You can call this what you like, but the proper terms are immorality and corruption. Our leaders have given themselves over to the payments by the health insurance/education/pharmacy/provider complex to maintain their positions in government and lavish life styles.

The proponents of vitamin D are now frustrated with their efforts over the last fifteen years. The frustration comes from all the medical evidence and science based medicine that is not being put into medical practice. Again, the reason is economics. It is not how inexpensive vitamin D; it is about all of the money flowing from less than science based treatments. Think about what was declared as settled science on nutrition and wellness in the 1970’s versus what we are now being told is healthy. Stay out of the sun – now sun is beneficial because of vitamin D and also what happens when we are exposed to full spectrum light; don’t eat saturated fats – now saturated fats are much better for us. I remember the study well, published by two time Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling, which said sugar drove cholesterol and not saturated fat (the study was done on prisoners for complete control, published in the early 70’s). So what are we to believe? An advancement in science or the lying cheating b*&t#$ are using our illness to fund their lavish life styles. I do get really excited when I think about this because I almost died in 2004. If not for my faith and my ability to reason through the medical science, sleep apnea and heart disease would have been my end.

This delusion has worked so well in the healthcare industry that the new idea was to move it to atmospheric science. The sky is falling and the polar bears are dying because there is global warming. What will happen when the real catastrophe shows up? All the false concern about polar bears is just unbelievable when thousands of people are needless suffering and dying because of the money. The climate was not cooperating with the lies of Gore and his likes so bring on Obama and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Patient protection and affordable – you’ve got to be kidding! Have we again given up freedom for security? When this insurance bubble collapses because health has returned, the economy will go down the toilet in a grand Coriolis swirl. I hear “da Boss Man” calling us to continue to live in a state of health slavery. There we are, caught in the scope of Kyle’s riffle as the enemy. Pickin’ it dup here boss!

Yes, healthcare is complex and our leaders have used this to “pull the wool over the eyes” of the ill. I remember the words of Congressman Howard Coble well when I went to meet him ten years ago. “You can’t just be accusing us of killing people because of our policies.” Yes, I am accusing you of killing people because of government policies to protect the economy. I am sure it is a tough decision to make, economy versus health. The tyranny of government to use the collections of the population to fund science and then to bury the findings in obfuscation is evil. So, says the politician, it does keep the economy going. Aren’t we grand? I think I am hearing the sounds of the Beatles singing Little Piggies from their White Album.

In their styes with all their backing
They don’t care what goes on around
In their eyes there’s something lacking
What they need’s a damn good whacking

Everywhere there’s lots of piggies
Living piggy lives
You can see them out for dinner
With their piggy wives
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon

(one more time…)

Extend Your Dog’s Life

sophieOur dog ages and we know the inevitable outcome. It is a trip to the vet and a long sad time after the dog has passed. However, it may be possible to extend the life of your dog. Our dog Sophie, 13, had a really tough time in the spring of 2014. It began with a urinary tract infection and resulting liver and kidney issues. After increasing the amount of vitamin D, sulfate as MSM, NAC, and changing the type of food she recovered. However, she was not the playful dog that we had known. In late November, we begin to supplement her diet with two sprays of Metadichol on her food. She has now returned to her old self and has become very playful. Also, as I have described in an earlier post, her lipomas are shrinking.

Last article, we reported the findings of Dr. Joe Marasco and his experience of Metadichol with his family. Now , here are his comments about experiences with his dogs and Metadichol. Read my other articles on Metadichol by selecting that category. – Pandemic Survivor

 One Dog’s Surprising Turnaround


My wife and I adopted our son’s dog named “Miles” about 6 months ago in January 2012, as our son was moving into an apartment that had a dog restriction. Miles is about 9 years old, and is a beagle and corgi mixed breed, 30 lbs., and a very mild mannered, non-aggressive and loving dog. His tests for Lyme disease have been negative. We treat our dogs as family members, and want to make sure that they have a safe and comfortable life in our household.

Miles had what appeared to be arthritis in one of his hind legs, and would get around by hobbling on his other three legs about 75% of the time, but the condition appeared to be worsening. His other hind leg was also giving him problems. He did not run. Upon taking him in, we thought his health would steadily go downhill to the point where he would need to be euthanized. We were expecting to have to proceed with that unpleasant event within a year.

I started giving Miles two small doses per week of Metadichol about two months ago. The doses were about one-fourth of a teaspoon of your liquid formulation, mixed in his normal food. There was no hesitation on his part to eat the dosed food, thereby suggesting that he was not able to detect any adverse odor or flavor.

Almost immediately, Miles’ activity level picked up. Where five months ago he would not be able to take a walk on a leash outside, he now actively is walking, running, and jumping. He now greets me by standing up on his back legs! He looks forward to daily walks.

I was told by his vet at a recent checkup in June 2012 that, exact quote: “there is nothing currently wrong with his joints.” When playing with other dogs outdoors (we have four dogs), he is able to run and keep up with the fastest.

This is a startling turnaround in his behavior, and friends and family who know Miles are stunned by his transformation. Only a few months ago was a dog that had to slowly limp to his water bowl is now outside chasing squirrels like a hound, and outrunning his younger peers. If nothing else, your product has given a new lease on an active life for Miles.


TazTazzy is a 14 year old Pomeranian with the kindest and most expressive disposition out of any of the many dogs we have raised. People say that he should be brought to nursing homes to snuggle and cheer up the residents that have little outside contact with the world. This photo is of Taz just as he was starting to become ill. It’s worth taking a close look at the expression in his eyes.

Taz’s kidneys had started to fail. We found this out after noticing that his behavior had changed from the frisky, bouncy, perpetually-moving, little ball of fur to a depressed and constantly tired shell of the dog he once was. This change happened over a one month time frame. Taz was brought to the vet for blood tests, which then confirmed the beginning of kidney failure. This was a death sentence, which we had sadly seen with a couple of our dogs in the past. The only realistic path forward leads to euthanasia. Usually the dogs with failing kidneys begin to sleep much more than usual, and lose any liveliness they usually have. They appear to be in constant discomfort, and begin to refuse to eat. Taz showed all of these symptoms in the matter of a few weeks, and lost so much weight (almost two pounds off of an eight pound dog!) that his ribs became prominent and were easily felt even under all of that fur. At the rate of this decline, it looked like that final trip to the animal hospital would be upon him within the next month.

With knowledge of the human responses seen with patients that had been treated with Metadichol, Taz was given a daily dose of about 3 mg in solution, sprayed onto his food each morning. On the third day after treatment started, a miracle in the making became apparent. His tail wagged again for the first time in weeks. He ran again for the first time in weeks. After one week of treatment, he began to act hungry once again and his food consumption doubled. Now, after 4 weeks of treatment, he is acting normal once again, is hungry like he should be, and runs and plays with the other 3 dogs, his “cousins,” that live in the same home with him. More blood tests will follow and we will compare the data.

If nothing else, with or without test data, it became obvious just after the third day of treatment that this tiny, gentle and loving dog was actually behaving like he felt better. Much better. Just this effect alone is incredible. I bet Taz would agree. You can see it in his once again wagging little tail. –Joseph M. Marasco, Ph.D.

Joe largeDr. Marasco, CEO of Diffinity Geonomics, is responsible for business development and company operations. Prior to joining Diffinity, he served from 2007-2012 as CEO and board member of Chiral Quest Corp., a US headquartered fine chemical and active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing firm. Dr. Marasco has served in several other leadership roles in both early stage and publicly traded firms including Dow Chemical and Beckman. He led the launch of Coenzyme Q-10 as a nutritional supplement in the US during the 1990’s while serving as Director of Kaneka’s pharmaceutical division (the original manufacturer of Q-10). He earned his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from University of Virginia, and was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship in Biochemistry at the Walter Reed Medical Center. 

Experience of Using Metadichol for Years

Given that we have become somewhat leery of peered reviewed research papers, especially in the length of time it takes to get the information public, the experience of users may be our best source. Dr. P.R. Raghavan, the discoverer of Metadichol, a patented nutraceutical, gave me introduction to his friend, Dr. Joe Marasco, that has been using Metadichol the longest other than Dr. Raghavan. This first article is about the experience with his family. The next will be about his experience with his pets. The comments are in his words with only few editorial changes. The healing outcomes of Metadichol are amazing. Through word of mouth, this product has the potential to change the health of the world. Be sure to read my other articles on Metadichol by selecting that category. – Pandemic Survivor

Here is a brief Bio: Joseph Marasco, Ph.D.

Joe largeDr. Marasco, CEO of Diffinity Geonomics, is responsible for business development and company operations. Prior to joining Diffinity, he served from 2007-2012 as CEO and board member of Chiral Quest Corp., a US headquartered fine chemical and active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing firm. Dr. Marasco has served in several other leadership roles in both early stage and publicly traded firms including Dow Chemical and Beckman. He led the launch of Coenzyme Q-10 as a nutritional supplement in the US during the 1990’s while serving as Director of Kaneka’s pharmaceutical division (the original manufacturer of Q-10). He earned his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from University of Virginia, and was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship in Biochemistry at the Walter Reed Medical Center. 

From Dr. Joe Marasco:

Dr. Raghavan kindly sent me a prototype sample of Metadichol.  I ingested the sample around 6:00 pm that evening, and then commenced to write a report for work, which I expected to have completed in about an hour.  Well, I did finish that report, and went on to another report.  When I looked up from the keyboard, it was morning.  I had worked through the night without realizing it, and actually felt absolutely fine.  I showered, dressed, and headed back to the office for a full day of work again.  It was a feeling of increased baseline energy, not a nervous caffeine or sugar induced temporary rush.  I called Raghu that morning and asked what the heck he had put in that sample!  From that day, I have been hooked on the potential of Metadichol. As a biochemist, although understanding its mechanism of action, I had underestimated its actual effects.

About eight years ago, my father underwent a drastic 14-hour surgery in an attempt to remove as many tumors as possible after being diagnosed with metastatic bladder cancer.  Multiple tumors were removed from several areas of his body, however I was told by the surgeon after the grueling operation that dad had about another three months to live, but with chemo it could be stretched to an unpleasant six months.   He refused chemo, and was basically chair-bound with two ostomy tubes protruding from his back.  However, he lived several more years.  During that time, Dr. Raghavan very kindly sent him some Metadichol.  I would visit my father every other month, as I was living in China at the time.   After a couple of weeks using it, my mother who had been constantly caring for dad called me in China and mentioned that she could not believe the change in his mood and energy level.  From being chair-bound most of his waking hours, he was now outside raking leaves around the yard daily, and actually going for walks at the mall.  When I visited him next, I also could not believe the positive change in his mood.  This alone is a huge benefit to a cancer victim.  Once sullen with chronic pain and discomfort, he was now smiling and laughing easily, and one would have a hard time believing that he was at death’s door not long before.  My mother related to me a stunning comment from his primary physician at the time: they “cannot understand why his several tumors have not progressed.”

Dad continued to take Metadichol daily, until a nurse (who was a relative) found out about it, and ordered him–more like frightened him–into stopping treatment.  Dad died of kidney failure several months afterwards.  (This makes me sad because of the lack of understanding of medical professionals. I have had similar experiences with friends and family in health care facilities -P.S.)


“IT WORKS!!!” screamed my wife….

My wife woke up and shouted for me when I was in the kitchen having coffee and she was up in the bedroom. I thought something was wrong, so I ran up. She had an intense tone to her voice, and she said, “my face is ‘different.’”   She had been using your Metadichol gel for two consecutive nights. “The small bumps on my skin …are just gone! I don’t know what happened, but tell Raghu I want him to stay in business for a lifetime.”


Some recent observations regarding the use of Metadichol gel:

  1. Used on my 18-month old rotator cuff shoulder injury. Normal state was a steady-state of chronic pain, worsening to the point where it was challenging to pick up a coffee cup (this coming from a prior background of >30 years of routine daily exercise including weight training, which I had to cease after the injury). Pain seemed to decrease perhaps 10-20% after three weeks of nightly application on affected area of shoulder, and application continued. Several months later, the pain is now minimal.
  2. My wife, an active woman of 57, developed plantar fasciitis, where the heel of her right foot was very painful to walk on, and she had to cancel attending her normal bi-weekly Jazzercize® class after 25 years due to the pain. Nightly application of the gel on her heel has given noticeable relief from the pain, and the difference after the first night’s application was striking.  She resumed the class after 3 weeks of Metadichol gel treatment.
  3. Also now treating my own severe plantar faciitis daily in both feet with Metadichol gel with very good effect. In my own experience, the initial reduction of pain was not as striking as my wife’s, but now after two weeks the pain has subsided noticeably (estimate 50% decrease in discomfort and continues to improve).
  4. My wife has been using the gel on her face for over 2 weeks, and has noticed a rapid definite improvement in skin tone and smoothness, and is now applying the gel to other areas of her body such as neckline and arms.

So, as you might suspect, Dr. Marasco is a huge proponent of Metadichol.  Thank you for reading through his comments. I will post his comments on his experiences with his pets later. He dearly loves his dogs and treats them as member of his family. His comments of his human experience are truly amazing! – Pandemic Survivor