Metadichol® Now Available in North America

Metadichol is now available in North America as an immune system spray and as a skin spray.  It is labeled as (link to site) Nano-Ojas.  Ojas is a word used in Ayurvedic medicine, the vital force that governs hormonal balance. The company has provided Nano-Ojas through an online site that was formed by Tinny S. Srinivasan and Nithasha S. Koukoumanos.  Mr. Srinivasan has forty years of experience in the aerospace industry and Ms. Koukoumanos has worked primarily with children with emotional and behavioral disorders. 

Metadichol is a nano-emulsion of policosanol.  Policosanol is the waxy substances (long chain aliphatic alcohols) that are found in the highest concentrations on the sun-splashed portion of plants. As modern humans, we no longer chew the husk from grains and nuts, the rich source of policosanol.  The extreme tooth pressure required to break open the husk is not the normal experience of modern foods. This has removed a very valuable nutrient from our diet. Mothers knew the importance of chewing foods when they constantly admonished you to chew your food.  Now with modern processing, the food has been chewed for us, but unfortunately, most of the policosanol parts have been removed. Dr. P.R. Raghavan has solved this issue by providing policosanol as a small particle emulsion.

The policosanol in our diet over the ages has acted to boast our immune systems and enhances the action of other vital nutrients.  It has been found to act on over 700 genes that are responsible for disease. There are also many other genes that are responsible for general wellness as well as nuclear receptors that are orchestrated by policosanol. All of this has been confirmed through gene studies by Dr. Raghavan.

To your good health! –Pandemic Survivor 
