Race Baiting in the Controversy of the MMR Vaccine and the CDC

There has recently been news related to the admittance by the CDC of omitting data about the MMR vaccine and the African-American population. It seems that there is data from as early as 2001 that the MMR vaccine is responsible for a 240% increase in autism in that population. Words such as “murder” and “black babies condemned to medical violence” have been used.   I do not think that this is appropriate language. The greater question is why does dark skin cause a higher incidence of autism? Is there a key factor that allows a higher incidence of autism with the MMR vaccine? Here is Mike Adams article on the media cover up and his explanation. Mike is great in finding out the facts.  Also, here is a fifteen minute You Tube video of an interview about how the information came to light from independent journalist Gary Franchi.  Also, Dr. David Brownstein’s comments.

I believe there are two primary factors associated with the higher increase in autism in the dark skin population. First, I believe it is directly related to the well-established fact that people with darker skin have lower levels of vitamin D. The greater question should then be does lower vitamin D levels in children lead to a higher incidence of autism? Second, I do believe there are nutritional issues where children do not get enough sulfur proteins and vegetables and not enough folates, a B vitamin, (please note, not folic acid another health issue) to allow the body’s natural elimination process for toxins to occur.

Until scientist start using proper statistical methods to allow for a better understanding of multivariate causes, we will continue to have issues with clearly understanding the data. All studies should use nutritional testing in addition to testing for specific effects. There are methods that have been used in manufacturing that could readily be adapted to medical studies that have been in place since the 1970’s. These graphical methods not only allows the novice to see the effects, it also allows the reviewer to see which variant caused the effect and clearly shows interactions. Dr. John Cannell, Vitamin D Council,  has stated in the past that all of our medical studies may be invalid because of not testing nutritional factors specifically vitamin D.

To protect your child against the toxicity of the MMR vaccine, there should first be assurance that the child is getting enough sunshine for exposure to UVB or supplementation of vitamin D. Also the child should be getting enough of the sulfur proteins and vegetables to allow the natural detox functions. A colorful array of fruits and vegetables should also allow for enough B vitamins and minerals to allow the function of the protein sulfur processes to generate glutathione, a natural waste remover in the body. Here is a list of high sulfur foods from Livestrong.com.

It is not just the dark skin population that we should have concern, but all of the population. Political dalliances along with the understanding by our government that the economic strength of the nation through our health sector is more important than the health of the individual; we have created a very unhealthy population. Our children’s life expectancy is now less than their parents. With the election of a person with dark skin to President, we have caused more racial unrest through his actions. Race baiting in not the proper approach. God loves all his children – seek first love, joy, and peace. – Pandemic Survivor

Vitamin D3 Deficiency Causes Autism

This is very exciting news!  Mechanisms have been discovered that shows how vitamin D deficiency causes Autism.  The authors’ state at the end of the abstract – Supplementation with vitamin D and tryptophan is a practical and affordable solution to help prevent autism and possibly ameliorate some symptoms of the disorder.

What happens next will be very interesting.  A government health department that was concerned for its citizenry would make a national response.  A special would be presented by the Surgeon General or/and the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  They would go on all the Sunday morning talk shows with this valuable information.  News organizations would pick this up to alert all expectant mothers of this new information.  Families that are now suffering the trauma of an Autistic child would have significant hope.  There would then be a follow up on Sixty Minutes.

Here is a digestible version of the news at Science Daily – Science Daily – Ames’ Study: Vitamin D causal link Autism

Yet, what we have are a few organizations striving to help people understand our connection to the sun and the value of vitamin D3.  Autism is just one of the many diseases that may be moderated by vitamin D3.  I am sure that the Vitamin D Council, Grass Roots Health, VitaminDWiki, and others will publicize this great information to the best of their ability.  But where is our government on this?  We will just have to wait and see. In the meantime, you are on your own in figuring out how to supplement.  All of the above mentioned organizations have information on how to do it. If you have an Autistic child, you may want to contact Dr. John Cannell, Vitamin D Council, on how to proceed with treatment.  Here is an interesting comment by one board certified pediatrician that wrote to him.  – Pandemic Survivor

ADD, ADHD, Autism, and Cretinism – Deficiency Diseases

Bad parenting, video games, television, poor schools, and on and on have all been blamed for disorders in children.  Add to that the claims of environment toxins from mercury in vaccines to additives in plastics leaves us grasping at straws as families deal with the ever growing issues.  However, I believe the real bad actors in all the array of mental and physical malfunction is primarily caused by deficiencies of critical nutrients.  The primary players in brain function and physical formation are iodine, vitamin D, and vitamin A.  Depending on the level of deficiency of nutrients will give a varying degree of malfunction.  Not only are the deficiencies important, it is also during the period of development of the child that the deficiency occurs that is critical.

A minor deficiency in iodine and vitamin D during the year of three to six or older may lead to ADD or ADHD.  A severe deficiency of iodine during pregnancy will lead to Cretinism or severe mental and physical malformation.  A deficiency of iodine during the first two years of life will lead to 10 to 15 points loss of IQ.  The array and severity of various diseases are endless.  It all depends on the nutrition of the person involved.

The solution for parents to relieve the worry of rearing children is relative simple.  Be sure that the mother during pregnancy and the child during developmental years get enough of the required nutrients.  You cannot sit back and expect government and your doctors to be all protective.  Their goals are not necessarily a healthy developing child which conflicts severely with the goals of the parents.

The question then becomes how much of what nutrient do I need to be sure my children are healthy.  Here is where the real conflict comes into play.  The science is not limited in providing the correct understanding of what is needed.  However, the needs of the child come in direct conflict with the needs of the institution’s economic health.  I recently heard a doctor on Fox News describe the supplementation with vitamins and minerals as not necessary.  Of course this would be true if you lived in the Garden of Eden.  With today’s food processing removing nutrients and destroying the integrity of organic molecules, the need of supplementation is every present.

To keep it simple, I would suggest that you get the following amounts from all sources:

Vitamin D3 approximately 40 IU per pound of body weight per day
Vitamin A the same as D3
Iodine approximately 1 milligram for every fifty pounds of body weight should be adequate.

Otherwise, try to maintain a healthy diet by eating a wide variety of foods.  Keep the amount of dense carbohydrates to a minimum.  Avoid wheat and corn if possible and especially if it is GMO.  Keep sugar to a minimum.

With that being said, I will leave you with two thoughts:  “Food is Medicine.”  – Randy Jirtle  and don’t give up freedom for security.  – Pandemic Survivor

Open Letter to Mothers

This post was originally a note to my medically inspired daughters and mother of my grandchildren and loves of my life:

The art of medicine has now been overcome with the snake oil salesmen of the early twentieth century taking over the industry through manipulation of published papers, lobbying efforts in congress to make obscene regulations, manipulation of  all the government authorities under HHS, and egregious greed.  This has become apparent by looking at the fact that we spend 2.4 trillion on health care and 1.5 trillion on food.  A complete reversal of how health should be considered.  We spend twice as much per capita for health care as other industrialize countries in the world thus totally upsetting the ratio of food to health care.  In the words of Dr. Randy Jirtle, an extraordinary pioneer in epigentics and genomics imprinting in his work at Duke University, “Food is medicine.”

Medicine has gone out of it way to diminish the effects of nutrients on our health for the sole reason of maintaining a large medical economy to enrich the pockets of the greedy.  The only way that this large segment of the economy can be maintained is to have a large unhealthy population.  We have the best medical system in the world when it comes to acute illness.  When it comes to chronic disease, we rank about fifty in the world’s health care systems.  The manipulation of medicine and food is atrocious.  We continually wonder and worry about why the rate of chronic disease continues to rise and the health of our children degrades.  GMO foods, the use of sugar and other compounds to drive our appetites, and drugs instead of nutrition have lead us down a road of much pain in our society.

There are many nutrients you must be concern about for the health of your families and the success of your medical practices.  The most important are (not in order of significance): Vitamin A – not beta-carotene, vitamin D3, vitamin C, magnesium, iodine, sulfate.  Understanding how these nutrients interact with the nutrients from our diet is important as well.

I believe that the onslaught of disease in our children, in particular mental degradation with ADD, ADHD, and autism, is cause not by any one nutrient deficiency, but the combination of deficiencies.  If we consider autism, I believe this is a response to the reduction of vitamin D3, iodine, magnesium, and sulfate.  With iodine being the leading cause of mental retardation according to WHO, it is a must that you and your children get enough.  Iodine does not act alone.  It is in combination with vitamin D3, vitamin A, and iodine that cellular differentiation works at the optimum levels.

Your grandfather and grandmother assured that we got enough of these nutrients in eating liver, consuming cod liver oil, spending time in the sun, and sulfured black strap molasses(loaded with minerals as the grass is cooked down).  This practice has fallen out of favor as being just ‘old wives tales.’  It is very difficult in today’s world with its peer pressure to reach a reasonable compliance in these nutrients.  You are very creative women and I know that you will develop your own procedures to reach a nutritionally rich diet for your families.  Disease in our family can be traced directly to your grandmother’s concern for over exposure of her children to the sun.

I appreciate in how you women have developed your love of God, your success with beautiful families, and success in your medical practices.  Live your life in pursuit of love, joy, and peace and all of your desires will be met.  The light, the truth, and the way of God will find you.

Love,  Dad  -Pandemic Survivor