
Health or WealthWhich of the above is more important to you? Are great economics with poor health your desire. Is it okay for the most elite scholars to avoid ethics so that they and the institution they work for have a better opportunity for wealth? We, as Americans, have paid for the research on vitamins and minerals and food (VMF). Yet, the value of VMF is hidden from us for the sake of a robust economy.

All the above are inexorably intertwined. There cannot be a large medical economy without a large sick population. Many have coined the word “sick care” for the present state of healthcare in the US. Drugs and cutting are the typical treatments for chronic disease. Disease that could be treated with VMF. If you had proper VMF before you age, then most likely, you would never reach the state of chronic disease. You would simply age and then with a few months of illness, you would pass. Please read Looking Good, Feeling Better for a better understanding.

Many researchers have not published the benefits of VMF in the hopes of being able to make an analog (prescription drug with side effects because it is not natural to the body) of the VMF for profit. We cannot point our finger at any one institution and say that they are at fault. We are all at fault. Government for allowing institutions to profit from illness while cures in VMF exist. Americans for allowing our government to get away with it in a democratic republic. In our Declaration of independence are the words— “life, liberty, and happiness.” Where is the happiness when you are in so much pain from chronic disease that life is miserable? Are you really going to turn to opiates for relief?

We hold doctors up as being the final decision makers for health. This is not the case. Let me state that again. Doctors are not responsible for the interpretation of the science of medicine. They must follow the medical guidelines as set up by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ takes its lead from the Secretary of Health and Human Services and ultimately the President and Congress. Do you think that HHS has your best interest in mind for life, liberty, and happiness? They operate by the principle of “markets before mandates” as clearly stated by Secretary Michael Leavitt in 2008. Note that to value life is the very last. The economy is more important than your health and consequently your happiness.

The archived site that stated these principles has been taken down. Here are government’s nine principles for taking care of your health:

  1. National standards, neighborhood solutions
    2.      Collaborations, not polarization
    3.      Solutions transcend political boundaries
    4.      Markets before mandates
    5.      Protect privacy
    6.      Science for facts, processes for priorities
    7.      Reward result not programs
    8.      Change a heart, change a nation
    9.      Value life

Do you need to have a robust economy for happiness? The government believes so. Is this where the institution of government is more important than the individual it serves. Isn’t this the very definition of evil? M. Scott Peck in his book, “People of the Lie,” uses the Me Li massacre in Vietnam to explain this very point. The squad was given the command that it must survive at all cost because of the importance of the mission that lay ahead. They went into a village with this understanding and proceeded to kill anyone that posed a treat including defenseless women and children.

Instead of bullets that kill you instantly, the institutions that profit use a disinformation playbook that has been around for years or least since WWII when the government sued seventeen multinationals for conspiracy for manipulation of vitamin D pricing and amounts in over the counter supplements. Dr. William B. Grant has published his version of it at

(OMNS Oct 1, 2018) A “Disinformation Playbook” has been used for decades by corporations to delay government action on matters of public interest that would adversely affect their income and profit. Some well-known examples include the big tobacco companies, the coal and oil industries, the sugar industry, and the National Football League. The Union of Concerned Scientists has outlined five “pillars” of the Playbook [Disinformation Playbook], [Alvord 2017]. Big Pharma may be using the Playbook to slow the adoption of strong support for vitamin D. This article is the product of my further analysis.

The Disinformation Playbook
1. The Fake
Conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitimate research.
2. The Blitz
Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry.
3. The Diversion
Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists.
4. The Screen
Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies.
5. The Fix
Manipulate government officials or processes to influence policy inappropriately.

William B. Grant published a paper in 2009 called “In Defense of the Sun.” In the paper he shows that by just raising the level of serum vitamin D (25OHD) to 45 ng/ml, 400,000/yr. premature deaths could be stopped in the US. That is just vitamin D. What about the rest of the vitamins and minerals that we are deficient—vitamin C, magnesium, iodine, organic sulfate, zinc, vitamin B12, folate (not folic acid), and omega 3 fats. That is just the beginning of health. When is science going to admit that the placebo effect or the mind/body connection is just as powerful as most drugs that are on the market? Living longer and feeling better should be our goal. Otherwise, a strong economy is just that and cannot bring happiness because of illness. –Mark Pegram

Artful Addiction—Sugar, Flour, Insulin, Leptin

Leptin Insulin CartoonThe issue is that modern medicine does not determine if you are nutrient deficient.  Modern medicine is more interested in using drugs to give immediate relief and not the long-term solution of healing. And then, the side effects of the drugs kill you. The need for drugs must be driven by a large market of ill people. The sugar addiction/fat elimination has provided this opportunity.

When I was growing up on the farm, I used to eat five to eight thousand calories per day.  This was necessary for the long arduous hours spent in labor.  Most days were sixteen-hour days. With this high intake of calories, imagine the amount of nutrients that I was getting.  Of course, there was not any processed food.  It all came from our efforts in the garden, pasture, hunting, and fishing. Even the bread we ate came from the wheat that was grown on our farm. Our cash crop was tobacco, but my parents were smart enough to forbid us from using it.  In a sense, we were just like modern medicine in not embracing what gives us health. Instead, we embraced a healthy farm economy. America was founded on the income of tobacco and alcohol. (This link is an interesting story about the interaction of my family, over several generations, with alcohol. Published at the Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.)

In my ten thousand-or-so hours of research, I have found that we are all deficient in most minerals and vitamins. I, like Linus Pauling and Hippocrates (a couple of millenniums of understanding), have concluded that all chronic disease comes from nutrient deficiencies.  The number one chronic disease in the US is obesity. I am fat as a hog raised on molasses feed just waiting for the slaughter.  I’m am addicted to the evil of processed sugar in its many forms.  We have created this epidemic of chronic obesity though our efforts in reducing fat.  I don’t believe that the researchers thought fat was bad for us. I believe that the money derived from a sick population was very addictive. It takes a large sick population to have twenty percent of its gross domestic product to be from medicine.  (Simple explanation of how increased sugar intake produces more insulin which blocks leptin and causes us to eat too much by Dr. Robert Lustig, UCtv.)

We have recently discovered that insulin increase blocks our hey-we-are-full hormone, leptin.  We have found that eating any dense carbs and sugar increases appetite. How long have we known this bit of extremely important information for our health? Leptin suppression was useful when we were hunters and gatherers as we gained weight that allowed us to live through the lean times. The Inuit tribes knew best as their major calorie source was fat. Linus Pauling in the 1970s with his studies of prisoners (complete control of food source) knew that fat did not increase cholesterol, that sugar was the primary reason for the increase. 

Even though I’m a fat hog, my health is great. I did one of those test for actual age and came out at mid-thirties. Not bad for a sixty-six-year-old. It is all the vitamins and minerals that I use through supplementation. Now that I understand the insulin/leptin response, the avoidance of sugar and flour are prime in my diet.  However, this elimination of an addiction is going to be difficult.  I just recently went on the Whole30 diet and lost twelve pounds in a month. My body functioned just fine without addictive items.  In this diet, you eliminate grains, alcohol, dairy, and legumes for thirty days. I discovered that I was lactose intolerant during the trial. How many addictions and allergies do you have?  Stay tuned as I begin the journey of a healthy diet. –Pandemic Survivor (Can I escape the obesity epidemic? Present BMI 29.5 – 6-2, 230)

Pain, Pain Meds, and Disability

Americans are dying from pain meds and suffering more pain because of pain meds.  We not just talking about illegal drugs like: heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, etc. We can add to that prescription pain meds, in particular, the opiate meds.  We can also add to that over-the-counter pain meds, NSAIDS.  Why are we using so many pain meds?  It is because of the pain created by the food we eat, the lack of nutrition, and the choices we have made in medicine.  This leads to an extremely high incidence of chronic illness and thus, PAIN.


Around the beginning of the 20th Century, money was funded away from nutritional medicine and toward patent medicine.  This created a population of chronically ill.  To resolve the pain of chronic illness, the population has turned to pain meds to treat symptoms and not the actual disease.  This has created many types of social problems as well as created an economic nightmare for healthcare.  Dr. Mercola Article on how this happened.

A lot of the pain comes from deteriorated cartilage.  But the meds that are used to treat pain, prevent the repair of cartilage.  Baby boomers have taken large amounts of NSAIDS that have caused deterioration of cartilage, and the need for joint and back surgeries.

“In human studies, NSAIDs have been shown to accelerate the radiographic progression of OA of the knee and hip. For those using NSAIDs compared to the patients who do not use them, joint replacements occur earlier and more quickly and frequently. The author notes that massive NSAID use in osteoarthritic patients since their introduction over the past forty years is one of the main causes of the rapid rise in the need for hip and knee replacements, both now and in the future.” – See more at Journal of Prolotherapy.

This of course is to say nothing of the number of deaths, kidney failures, heart failures, bleeding of the stomach and gut, and liver failures from over-the-counter meds.  All caused by taken more and more meds to prevent pain.  We have the greatest medical system in the world when it comes to treating acute illness.  But with chronic pain, we fail miserably.  Add to this the use of prescription meds and illegal meds and the social and economic issues continue.  I feel your pain and experienced pain for three decades before researching to find that it was just nutritional issues.

When it comes to nutrition, it seems that we are left to our own resources to find cures.  Without the use of the internet and the many professionals that reported on the issues, I would most likely be dead.  I am only one out of ten Americans over sixty that is not on a prescription med.  Begin your research into nutritional healing.  The most of it has to do with not getting enough vitamins and minerals.

This issue cannot be resolved simply by eliminating the use of pain meds with more guidelines for doctors.  The only way that we as a society can overcome this issue is for our institutions to reach a higher level of moral standards.  By that, I mean institutions should adopt standards (yes, specifically Health and Human Services) and educate the population on the research that has already been done to relieve chronic illness and pain with nutrition.  It is not our genome that is at fault.  It is the nutritionally and emotionally stimulated epigenome that needs repair.

Vitamin D and the Doctor

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”–Arthur Schopenhauer.

This nineteenth century German philosopher had it right.  I believe that we are still in the ridicule stage and that the violent opposition stage will be played out in the courts as awareness becomes more public about the negative impact of vitamin D deficiency.  The politicians will allow the court cases because of the masses of people that start become aware of their own disease and the dying and suffering of their friends and family from vitamin D deficiency.

I apologize for not writing more because I had become bitter and downcast.  This has not been a more pleasant side of my recovery.  Even though I have been through the trials and hard times of serious disease I am now grateful for how it has strengthen my faith and now better understand my responsibility to you to bring you education and understanding.  I do praise the spirit of hope, love, and acceptance.  I have been trying to write about the emotional recovery side of the disease and it has brought back a lot of ‘emotional’ pain.

So how are doctors reacting to the publicity about vitamin D and its impact on general health.  It is a very ‘mixed’ bag.  Many have recognized the research and are starting to treat their patients with testing and supplementation of vitamin D.  Others are just sure that their patients are all ‘idiots’ after the fashion of the TV character Dr. House.  The attitude is, “I have been trained and know much better than you ever will and this stuff in the press is just ‘junk science’.”

I have really been alarmed as we have moved into ‘vitamin D winter’ in the northern latitudes and there has not been a large national discussion about the benefits of vitamin D and its affect on the immune system in particular with the seasonal outbreaks of the flu.  See what Dr. John Cannell has to say at the Vitamin D Council. Vitamin D and the Flu. Here you can plainly see an example of a doctor that has reacted and one in the same family practice that has not in Georgia.

Also please read Dr. Cannell’s May newsletter about the flu and vitamin D:  I know that I have repeated this many times but it breaks my heart to think about the needless death of children and pregnant women.

I will relay this story of a pregnant woman that I know that is a medical professional.  She has been one of the few that has not had flu like symptoms in the large hospital where she works and she has been taking enough vitamin D to be replete.

During one of her regular visits to her doctor, she decided that she should have her vitamin D level tested.  She was chastised by her physician for falling into the ‘trap of something not in the medical guideline’.  Remember now we are talking about two doctors talking to each other and the person in responsible charge for the health of her patient tells the other doctor that she just does not know what she is talking about.  My friend had read the many research papers on vitamin D in particular those by Dr. Bruce Hollis of the Medical University of South Carolina.  This is a professor of pediatrics and has done extensive research on pregnant women and vitamin D.  Here is some of his work at Google Scholar:   Also she is familiar with this newsletter from the Vitamin D Council on pregnancy and gestation.   She decided not to engage and just left the office visit steaming mad.  She has decided to have another doctor order her vitamin D test.

So here we have two doctors that just results in ridicule of current research.  How is this suppose to work with just plain everyday folk that put their trust in the medical profession.  You know it makes me think of two things.  First consider how long we struggled with the understanding of tobacco and how it affected health.  It was ridicule and then finally submission under the weight of government court battles with that industry.  With vitamin D there have been large cohort studies and many more epidemiological studies. With tobacco to my knowledge there have not been cohort studies and just a few epidemiological studies.  The government acted because of the rich reward that they saw in tax and penalty income from the tobacco companies.  Also here there was a substance being put into our bodies and not just the withholding of knowledge by our professionals on research that dates to early part of the twentieth century.  If we had been a vitamin D replete population I wonder how the tobacco trials would have played out.

Second it is like an episode of House being played out in real life.  I am sure that we will never see an episode of House where the patient is found to have vitamin D deficiency and that is the cause of the failure of their immune systems and endocrine system.  Modern medicine has been practiced on a population deficient in vitamin D and this includes all testing, research, and practice guidelines.  If this ever plays out on House then we will know as a society that we have overcome this certain tragedy.  Also the government will definitely be slow to act because as some researchers have stated that a vitamin-D-replete population would cause a reduction of twenty five to fifty percent of our medical economy. What would happen to all that tax income and how would we pay for all of the older folks that did not die when ‘they were suppose to’.

Hold onto your chairs folks because if this change starts to play out in the courts then it will be just like the tobacco trials except there will many more people affected as in everyone.  Just think you can tune into the TV every night and watch your favorite news channel as the court battles are engaged.  I am sure the lawyers are just licking their chops, but they are also slow to act because there have not been any trials of significance where a substance was withheld that caused the death and suffering of millions.

More likely the large institutions will control the media and it will be bloggers and face to face conversations with friends that result in a replete population over many decades.  However, medical professionals that I know say that this is now moving through the systems faster than any change they have seen previously.

With great hope I look forward to that stage of great health for everyone when we begin to accept the truth of sunshine and vitamin D as being ‘self-evident’.

We are in ‘vitamin D winter’ in the northern hemisphere so take care to be sure that you are replete.  Follow the instructions on the home page of the Vitamin D Council.

– Be sure to supplement!!!  – Pandemic Survivor

Another Pandemic – H1N1 – Protect Yourself

And the swine flew.  I had a friend that every time something unusual was uttered he would let out the phrase, ‘and pigs will fly out of my butt too’.  I guess that he meant that it was a total impossibility.  So now we have the swine flu and the ‘pigs are flying out of my friends butt’.

It truly seems strange to me that this virus is made up of two different versions of ‘bird flu’ that I believe are from two different continents and two different versions of the swine flu from two different continents and a version of the human flu.  WHOOO!  ‘Pigs are flying out of my butt’ as well.  When I think of a bird that flew his flu from North America and infected an Asian bird that infected an Asian swine that infected a European swine and ended up as the H1N1 in North America humans of a California variety, it makes me believe that pigs truly can fly.  Here is a summary of the WHO teleconference on the apparent origins of the various strains as a pdf. Note: All the links are set to open in another window.

Now there is another story that is floating around the alternative health blogs like Dr. Mercola and Mike Adams.  It seems that an investigative journalist from Austria has evidence that some sort of intentional release of this virus was made and she has filed criminal charges with the FBI against a host of people.  Here is the index page from Mike Adams, Natural News for the H1N1 virus. Also, here is Natural News pandemic page for the H1N1. Here is the article on charges being filed by author Barbara Minton:  It also is interesting that Jane Burgermeister has a blog on word press that is .  Cute url!?  Jane, for your sake, I truly hope that you have the ‘goods’ on all of these people because these are some really serious charges.  For the world’s sake, I hope not.

The other thing that is really concerning is that this version of the virus is mutating regularly so the vaccine, if you chose to take it, may not be effective on the mutated version.  This means you will have to take multiple boasters.  Also this virus has more activity in the lungs that the just ‘plain vanilla’ version of the seasonal flu.  What this means is that as the virus attacks you that pneumonia bacteria will take over in an opportunistic fashion and will result in a serious course for the combination of diseases.  It is the bacterial pneumonia that kills you and not the flu.  Here is an explanation from Dr. Donald W. Miller on on how he believes that it would be better not take the shot for multiple reasons.  Well, he agrees with Jane that you should not take the shot, but for medical reasons.  He says to take vitamin D!  What!?  Vitamin D not only affects chronic diseases, but infectious diseases as well.  Wow, it is no wonder that Oliver Gillie of the UK’s Health Research Forum in Sunlight Robbery says that vitamin D3 is a ‘magic shotgun’.

I like Dr. Miller because he writes well researched articles and his information is very clear.  I have used many of his articles to change my supplementation regimen.   Here is his index page for recent articles: His article on iodine has benefited me greatly:

So can we find more on taking vitamin D and how it affects the flu?  Yes, Dr. John Cannell, Director Vitamin D Council, has written two papers on vitamin D and the flu and how vitamin D controls the flu in a seasonal manner.  That is that you typically get the flu in the colder months and closer to the equator during the rainy season when there is less sun.  Here is how to protect yourself from Dr. Cannell at the Vitamin D Council Newsletter for H1N1.

I know this is a lot of information, but you know since I have kept my serum 25(OH)D above 50 ng/ml starting January 2005 I have not even had a cold.  I am just one anecdotal story but if you multiply that by all of those people that have taken Dr. Cannell’s advice then what a major study!!

Have a sunny day with lots of vitamin D year round!!!!!  – Pandemic Survivor

Vitamin D, Disease, and Research

In 2006, I went to PubMed, the government clearing house for medical publications, and just entered vitamin D in the search engine and limited the search to that year.  There were over 2,100 papers.  I just did this for 2008 and there were over 2,300 papers.  If you limit it to the last ten years it comes up with over 17,000 papers.  The published recent work on vitamin D is voluminous.

The Vitamin D Council has provided a wonderful list of diseases that have been associated with vitamin D deficiency on their research page.  You go there, pick the disease and it sends you to PubMed right to the abstract of the article.  If you do not have a subscription to the particular journal you can purchase the article from the publisher online.

In reading this list, it makes me wonder why there are so many diseases and so much research and yet the medical profession is not treating with vitamin D.  There are so many diseases that are a result of or have a component related to D deficiency, you would think the news organizations would be all over this, but I digress.

If you are a doctor or a researcher and you are trying to just get a feel for the research that is out there then Dr. John Cannell has organized the research by disease.  It is a starting place as there are still many diseases that he has not listed.  For example, I had degenerative disc disease that is really a form of osteoarthritis.  This disease caused severe chronic pain, muscle wasting in my legs, central sleep apnea, memory loss from brain shrinkage with the pain, and other symptoms from oxygen deprivation from the sleep apnea.  If we took sleep apnea we find that it is not in the list because no one has done any research on it and vitamin D even though it has an obesity and stenosis vector which both can be tied directly to vitamin D deficiency.  There is a lot of work that is left to be done and a lot of miss-education of doctors, researchers, and the public in general that needs to be corrected.

Another disease that is not listed is psoriasis and I know that it can be treated with vitamin D according to Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University.  Dr. John Cannell has done a great job and we are grateful for his work, but the tentacles of vitamin D reach far and long in the course of human health and disease.

If you do not find the disease that you have interest with, then just go to PubMed and search on the disease itself and components of vitamin D.  Also I am sure that if you can identify research and that has not been listed then the Vitamin D Council would be interested.  Send that along to them.

Let’s just make a copy of the list without comment to see how long it is:

Vitamin D Council Research Links by Disease

Addison’s Disease
Allergic Hypersensitivity
Alzheimer’s Disease
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Autoimmune Illness
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Bladder Cancer
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Celiac Disease
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Chronic Pain
Cognitive Function
Colon and Rectal Cancer
Cystic Fibrosis
Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder
Endometrial Cancer
Ethnicity and Vitamin D
Eye Cancer
Gaucher’s and Fabry’s Disease
Vitamin D and Genetics
Graves’ Disease
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Heart Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Innate and Adaptive Immunity
Liver Cancer
Liver Function
Lung Cancer
Lymphoid Cancer
Mental Illness
Mineral Metabolism
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Weakness and Falls
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Parathyroid Function
Parkinson’s Disease
Post menopause
Pregnancy and Lactation
Premenstrual Syndrome
Prostate Cancer
Renal Function
Sickle Cell Disease
Skin Cancer
Toxin and Radiation Exposure
Turner’s Syndrome
Vitamin D Deficiency

Other items of interest for Vitamin D with links to the research:
Best Science
Commentaries and Editorials
UV Exposure
Veterinary and Animal Studies
Worst Studies

Vitamin D Council Research Links by Disease

Well, I hope that you find this useful and that you do not think that just because your disease of interest is not in this list that it does not have a vitamin D vector.  This seccosteroid is the most important steroid of the human body – Vitamin D3.

There is a lot of pain and death listed above.  Shine the light on this research!!!  – Pandemic Survivor

The Legal on Vitamin D

You would think with as much solid research as there is on vitamin D that the attorney’s would be ‘jumping right in’ there.  What is up with this.  It is about the money.  As soon as someone with money figures out that companies and institutions need to pay up for their misadventures, the courts will be ‘slammed’ with cases on vitamin D.  I mean just think about the tobacco issues.  It only really involved cancer and perhaps heart disease.  It did not involve all chronic disease.  When this starts to happen there will have to be congressional action to save the medical profession.  Of course now congress will not take action to save you from some really serious diseases.

So what has happen with the legal.  What I know to date:
In 2001 the FDA and FTC got together and took on the sunscreen and sunblock industry to get them to change the rules of marketing after combining 9 lawsuits.  It seems with the INCREASE in skin cancer by about a factor of X4 since the 1960’s that the sunscreen industry was participating in false advertising.  The marketing changes would have been to assure that the consumers understood that there was really no science to support the industry claims of preventing cancer.  This really seems odd that we would let a judge decide something scientific instead of just letting the facts be the facts – oh yeah, there is money involved.

So the sunscreen industry formed a powerful lobby group and hired a powerful attorney and sucessfully defected the FDA and FTC.  This attorney was so good that he was later made Chief Justice of the Surpreme Court.  Yes, that’s right Chief Justice John Roberts.  Wall Street Jounral Law Blog comment.
Now if I were an attorney and wanted to start a large class action lawsuit that would most likely end up in the supreme court and may take as much as a decade to litigate would I want the final decision maker to have been on the payroll of the group that I was fighting against?  Sounds like ‘trouble in river city’.

Now there is a new suit that was filed in the spring of 2006 agaisnt this same bunch of snake oil producers.  “Sunscreen is the snake oil of the 21st century” says Samuel Rudman filing attorney for the plaintiffs.  That is really some strong language which I think is justified when we are just causing death with many diseases by chasing people out of the sun.

You know what I really think is interesting is that you can go to the store and get a bottle of sunscreen today that has no warning label at all and says that it will prevent cancer if you use it.  The warning label should at least say something like: 


This would better describe the reality of what the product does to you.  In all seriousness, even if the science is confounded which it is not, the label should read that the sunscreen product will prevent the production of vitamin D.  This would at least allow the consumer to make his own decision.

You know it is really interesting that there were not any cohort studies on the tobacco issues.  It was just ‘good men’ doing what was right for you.  Oh yeah, and government stepping in and taking a piece of those large margins made from selling tobacco products.  There have been a large number of cohort studies completed in the last decade on vitamin D and chronic diseases and the research continues to come in at multiple of thousands of new studies every year.  It is a mountain of evidence.

Lawyers are really just waiting for prior case law to be complete so that they will not have to battle.  They will simply walk in and take the spoils from your dying friend or family or from your death.  What a great land of scavengers for profit that we live in.  It is no wonder that people yell that captilism is not the right form of government when the real issue is that our institutions are being corrupted for money that is just like a third world country with a flair for class.

I have the will but not the money.  Is there someone out there that would like to start a legal fund to take on the largest institutions in the land for their misadventure of ignoring the science for profit?

GO INTO THE SUN!!!   – Pandemic Survivor

Healthcare Institutions and the Struggle

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmond Burke; British Statesman, Philosopher 1729-1797

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.  – Proverbs 14:12 NIV

A comment on the frustration of people needlessly dying.

It has really troubled me since I have been healed from the vitamin D pandemic that our institutions are not reacting in a way that would mean significant improvement to health. How is it that since the 1970’s there has been an extreme campaign for people to stay out of the sun and yet skin cancer rates have increased four fold. Where are the doctors in this and why have our organizations that we have set up through government not taken action more vigorously?

It is not only in the healthcare field that this is happening. It is also in the other major segment of our economy – energy. I have commented before that I have pretty much ignored the governments unwillingness to bring about significant change to the energy economy because it was just about the money. But with healthcare it is about the life. When I think that the number four priority that was listed for the secretary of HHS was ‘Markets before Mandates’ and ‘To Value Life’ was last sends chills down my spine, my newly healed spine.

It seems that we can take on any institutions that appear to be poisoning us and destroy them if necessary. We have done things like take on the tobacco industry and just recently to remove BPA or the plasticizer in plastic bottles that was causing an issue. Both of these were done on much ‘thinner science’ that what is now available on Vitamin D. There was no cohort study ever done on tobacco. Another one is DDT that was causing an issue with the environment. Also think about the fact that we dumped about 50 million tons of lead beside the highways until the mid ’70’s in a form that could readily be adsorbed by the body under the guise that it would increase gasoline mileage. Lead is an extemely dangerous carcinogen and neurotoxin. I do know a ‘little bit’ about lead as I worked in lead-acid industry for twelve years. Asbestos, red dye number 5, cocaine in cola, lithium in Pepsi, and PCB’s just to name a few.

If you put a toxin into our bodies because you may profit from it, eventually we will take action to eliminate your misadventure. However, can you name one substance that has been withheld and we have taken action to stop this misadventure? The only things that I can think of are types of fat and eggs. It seems that we were told that eating eggs was bad for us but now that has been changed. It was not ever proven that eating eggs was bad, it was just assumed that because there was a significant portion of cholesterol that they were bad for us(see note 1 below). And the fats have been all over the map. It seems that margarine was tauted to be extremely healthy for us and now it turns out that is not the case. I believe that one was just about the money but I do not think that anyone was significantly penalized.

And now all you hear from the agencies and doctors is that there is not enough “science” to recommend that everyone take enough vitamin D to prevent the majority of chronic disease. What these proclaiments are really saying is that he herd is not headed ‘our’ way. In M. Scott Peck’s book “People of the Lie” he describes the two poles of evil as being conforming to a group without empathy and malignant self-love or narcissism ( see note 2). I belive that the practice of allopathic medicine or the practice of treatment and not prevention has led us down a road of conforming to the herd without empathy and created a very evil state of death. The group acts as perceived protection for the group as believed by the leader of the group – the economy. In the case of our sick care system protection of the group means “Markets before Mandates” or in the immortal words of James Carville – ‘its about he economy stupid.”

That may be okay if we are talking about the energy economy where it truly is about the money, but it is another matter when we, with intent by ignoring the facts, kill people. Al Gore just made the statement yesterday about his battle on global warming that it was like fighting the Nazis in the 1930’s. I would like to say to Al that my frustration of seeing people die from vitamin D defficiency is like observing the Holocaust without the ability to take action to stop it. There is the blood of hundreds of thousands of people every year because we have not acted.

Al, there is only three percent of the carbon dioxide that goes into the air every year created by man. Is that really going to do all that you say? The Nation Academy of Sciences in 2006 said that if you take all of the matter that we know in space including star systems, black holes, and hydrogen distributed in space that it only represents a total of 4 percent of the energy of the universe. We cannot see or detect the rest (hence dark energy at 73% and dark matter at 23%) but know that it exists because the universe is expanding at an increasing rate of speed as shown by the Hubble light telescope and confirmed by the Chandra x-ray telescope. Knowing this, how can we say that we are creating global warming our ‘science’ can only identify 4% of the total energy in the universe. Now there is the science. Where are you Al? Is it about the money?  Nothing personal Al, but please do not distort the facts for profit.

The really exciting thing about this dark energy is that it appears that we can ‘tap’ it for our energy needs. There are a multiple patents that already exist for this purpose including one by NASA for space craft boosters.

Good men need to take action. The only real action that you as an individual need to take is to convince two people that vitamin D will prevent disease and save lives and have them each convince two more people. This geometric progression will move around institutions that are all about the money. We have personal word of mouth and the experts on the internet and I encourage you to go for it. I am writing this blog because of this understanding that our institutions have been ignoring the facts for about 100 years.

Go into the sun and take two people with you and wear only enough clothes to keep from getting locked up.

– Pandemic Survivor

1. Vitamin D3 is made in the skin when cholesterol in the skin is radiated with UVB light. The skin and the liver make cholesterol screaming at you to go into the sun and then your levels of cholesterol will get to where they need to be. This is my belief.

2. Narcissism is when there is love for only the self without empathy. Obviously loving yourself is important just as institutions are important. In all cases there should always be empathy for others or it is just evil. I know this one ear, nose, throat doctor really well and when I told him that by getting replete with vitamin D that I do not have to clean the wax out my ears but twice a year instead of every month his comment was – do not tell anyone about it as that is half of my business. At first I thought he was just trying to be funny, but later I considered that maybe he was somewhat lacking in empathy.

Brigham and Woman’s Study on Vitamin D

Well it looks like the NIH is finally taking this vitamin D thing seriously.  Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Woman’s Hospital are to enroll 20,000 people in a study taking vitamin D3 at 2,000 IU per day and fish oil for omega three fats.  Twenty five percent of the people in the study are to be black.  You can read the AP article here.

I believe the level of supplementation is less than half of where it should be, but this is enough to start to see the effect on chronic disease.  The real issue is that it will take several years into the study to start to see that the nation as a whole should be supplementing.  The question for you is that if it does no harm why wait until the study is complete to get your serum level high enough to where it will do some good.

The serum level should definitely be above 40 ng/ml of 25(OH)D and to get the best effect in the body it should be above 70 ng/ml.  The NIH fact sheet (Table 1) says that harm does not start to occur until it is above 200 ng/ml and animal studies show that below 400 ng/ml is safe.  This gives you a safety factor of at least 3 which is much better than most any prescription drug.

The thing that is really troubling to me is that many of the participants will be given placebos with no vitamin D.  I will pray for these people that they do no die from this continued deficiency of this vital steroid.  Hopefully as positive results are shown that the placebo group will also be given vitamin D.

If you decide not to wait because you already have one of the many chronic diseases from vitamin D deficiency then do what it says on the Vitamin D Council home page.  The volume of research is already HUGE and why we need another study is beyond me.  We have already done this the first part of the 20th Century when everyone was taking 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil, about 2600 IU of D3, per day without harm.  The only issue was that the vitamin A level may have been too high in the cod liver oil.  Look at the volume of research by disease at this Vitamin D Council Research Page.

I have been reading extensively on roles of vitamin A and how it interacts with vitamin D.  How these two act in synergy is still not complete science, but I do feel much better when I eat liver or take about 4000 IU of vitamin A from fish liver oil.  I will blog about this in the near future.

Here are the many diseases:  17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more.

Why wait!?  It is your health and your life – be healthy!   The encouraging thing about this pandemic is that the news of vitamin D is moving very fast through word of mouth and blogs like this one.  We should start to see things like the overall rate of cancer start to reduce significantly as more people take it on themselves to supplement.

Go into the sun!!!  The best time is between 11AM and 2PM when the UVB radiation is at it highest.  Wear the least amount of clothes possible so that you do not get locked up and if you start to turn pink it is time to get out of the sun and wait until the next day.  As you start to tan it will take longer and only about 15 to 20 minutes to start depending on skin color will be long enough.  – Pandemic Survivor